Friday, November 2, 2018

A Brief Story Of Christ and the Anti-Christ

Image result for Christ Egyptian

The fictional character in the Bible, Jesus of Nazareth was stolen from other legends of the Christ. This means that the notion of the anti-Christ may have some basis in fact. Christ may merely be a philosophy.

If there is an anti-Christ it is Donald Trump and his supporters.

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  1. If you were a Trumper and this current evil God gets replaced by one that is just in fair you fuckers will be going to hell and burn for all eternity because you deserve it

  2. You don't hate God. You hate Donald Trump. A mere mortal man has this much control over your life. You're already dead. That's about all...

    1. I think you suck a lot of cock, you Republican, cocksucker. If you support Donald Trump and you do there should be a bounty on you and you should be killed in the most gruesome manner imaginable. You earned it scumbag.

    2. Only an evil asshole would not hate Donald Trump.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.