Showing posts with label life expectancy by state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life expectancy by state. Show all posts

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Why Bible Belt Christians Die Sooner Than Moral People

Like Trump, Christian Alt-Righties are barely literate so I have to post pictures for them.

As you will see, Righties die sooner than moral people. The wages of sin really do lead to death. OH HAPPY DAY! :clap: Trump supporters die sooner than moral people! OH HAPPY DAY! :clap: This is probably do in a large part to their stupidity. They also burn a lot of coal in the filthy red state and they smoke. What bunch of MORONS! :rofl: Their states are badly polluted so they breathe in toxins and drink it in when they drink their polluted water.

When they aren't poisoning themselves cigarettes or digging early graves with their mouths they are killing each other with guns. OH HAPPY DAY! :clap:EAT EAT EAT YOU BIG FAT LOSERS! :die:






