Thursday, December 17, 2015

Muslims Are Finally Waking Up And Leaving Islam

Caveat: Nothing in the Bible was written by Jesus.

The Worst Thing We Can Do To Muslims Is Not Kill Them

When a Muslim fighting for Islam is killed by a kafir aka non Muslim, all Muslims are required to fight for and spread Islam except for the women that warrior Muslim goes to paradise. Muslim males go to a heaven but not just any heaven. Muslim heaven makes Las Vegas and Disney Land seem like the waiting room at a dentist office. It's a bit unclear whether Muslim women make it to heaven but Muslim men sure do. Then again it's not clear that Muslim females are even considered people. The certainly are considered property or chattel. 

Muslim heaven is a great place full of all the food you can eat, all the wine you can drink and all the virgins and boys you can fuck for all eternity. Warriors who die fighting in the cause of God are ushered immediately to God's presence (Surah 2:159 and Surah 3:169) A Muslim man can fuck up after he is done fighting for Allah and end up missing paradise and going to Muslim hell which may or may not be temporary. The Koran is not clear about that.

Look at those hot voluptuous babes you get in Muslim Paradise!

No wonder Muslims hate us. By not killing them we are forcing them to endure this awful earthly existence while depriving them the chance for eternal paradise and all the good food and drink and sex with women and boys. Damn! With a deal like that except for the "fresh faced boys" I'd go out and kill a bunch of kafir if I believed I'd get a deal like that. Problem is, I think Islam is all bullshit.

 Related:  72 Virgins and Boys

The Nature of the Day of Judgment

The resurrection that will take place on the Last Day is physical, and is explained by suggesting that Allah will re-create the decayed body (17:100: "Could they not see that God who created the heavens and the earth is able to create the like of them"?). On the Last Day, resurrected humans and jinn will be judged by Allah according to their deeds. One's eternal destination depends on balance of good to bad deeds in life. They are either granted admission to Paradise, where they will enjoy spiritual and physical pleasures forever, or condemned to Hell to suffer spiritual and physical torment for eternity.
The day of judgment is described as passing over Hell on a narrow bridge in order to enter Paradise. Those who fall, weighted by their bad deeds, will remain in Hell forever. The Quran specifies two exceptions to this general rule:
    - Warriors who die fighting in the cause of God are ushered immediately to God's presence (Surah 2:159 and Surah 3:169); and
    - "Enemies of Islam" are sentenced immediately to Hell upon death.


"O soul who is at rest, return to thy Lord, well-pleased with Him, well-pleasing Him. So enter among My servants, and enter My garden." (89:27-30) Paradise (firdaws), also called "The Garden" (Janna), is a place of physical and spiritual pleasure, with lofty mansions (39:20, 29:58-59), delicious food and drink (52:22, 52:19, 38:51), and virgin companions called houris (56:17-19, 52:24-25, 76:19, 56:35-38, 37:48-49, 38:52-54, 44:51-56, 52:20-21). There are seven heavens (17:46, 23:88, 41:11, 65:12).


Hell, or Jahannam (Greek gehenna), is mentioned frequently in the Quran and the Sunnah using a variety of imagery. It has seven doors (Qur'an 39:71; 15:43) leading to a fiery crater of various levels, the lowest of which contains the tree Zaqqum and a cauldron of boiling pitch. The level of hell depends on the degree of offenses. Suffering is both physical and spiritual.
Being a Muslim does not keep one out of Hell, but it is not clear whether Muslims remain in Hell forever. Non-Muslims (kafir), however, will be punished eternally. A Muslim author on explains it this way:
"Ultimately, God will remove from Hell those believers whose sins were not forgiven nor atoned for by good deeds in their lifetimes, and they will then enter Paradise. The remaining inhabitants of Hell will stay there eternally." (Islam Online) Other Muslim commentators, noting that Allah can rescue people from hell as he chooses, and that he is merciful and compassionate, have hypothesized that eventually hell will be empty. Alternatively, Hell can be seen as a place of progress where souls are instructed until they are fit to go to heaven:
"Life after death is actually the starting-point of further progress for man. Those in paradise are advancing to higher and higher stages in knowledge and perfection of faith. Hell is meant to purify those in it of the effects of their bad deeds, and so make them fit for further advancement. Its punishment is, therefore, not everlasting." (, an Ahmadiyya website)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Islam's War On Women

The god of Abraham is one evil brutal bastard and that is why his followers, Muslims and Christians mostly do so much evil to the world. I am far from a feminist in that I actually love women and I don't hate men. As a man my instincts tell be to protect women and children. 

The following population data is from the CIA World Fact Book.

Age Structure of Saudi Arabia
0-14 years: 27.07% (male 3,850,992/female 3,661,194)
15-24 years: 19.11% (male 2,839,161/female 2,463,216)
25-54 years: 45.9% (male 7,244,386/female 5,495,284)
55-64 years: 4.68% (male 710,827/female 587,281)
65 years and over: 3.24% (male 460,209/female 439,766) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of Bahrain

0-14 years: 19.48% (male 133,201/female 129,140)
15-24 years: 15.84% (male 120,073/female 93,182)
25-54 years: 56.13% (male 494,405/female 261,399)
55-64 years: 5.79% (male 50,466/female 27,501)
65 years and over: 2.77% (male 18,092/female 19,154) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of Kuwait

0-14 years: 25.32% (male 367,176/female 338,883)

15-24 years: 15.21% (male 233,306/female 190,903)
25-54 years: 52.32% (male 924,103/female 534,769)
55-64 years: 4.82% (male 76,707/female 57,663)

65 years and over: 2.33% (male 30,681/female 34,343) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of United Arab Emerates

0-14 years: 20.85% (male 616,669/female 588,546)
15-24 years: 13.57% (male 466,663/female 317,735)
25-54 years: 61.38% (male 2,704,889/female 842,852)
55-64 years: 3.18%   (male 137,753/female 46,214)
65 years and over: 1.01% (male 36,725/female 21,714) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of The Gaza Strip

0-14 years: 42.75% (male 410,599/female 388,473)
15-24 years: 20.34% (male 194,798/female 185,295)
25-54 years: 30.66% (male 293,556/female 279,471)
55-64 years: 3.59% (male 33,843/female 33,198)
65 years and over: 2.67% (male 20,667/female 29,155) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of The West Bank

0-14 years: 33.09% (male 473,108/female 448,612
15-24 years: 21.52% (male 307,020/female 292,465)
25-54 years: 36.96% (male 529,094/female 500,375)
55-64 years: 4.57% (male 64,093/female 63,289)
65 years and over: 3.85% (male 45,303/female 62,007) (2015 est.

Age Structure of  Oman

0-14 years: 30.23% (male 509,465/female 484,068)
15-24 years: 19.51% (male 336,286/female 304,994)
25-54 years: 43% (male 822,302/female 590,937)
55-64 years: 3.9% (male 68,460/female 59,756
65 years and over: 3.37% (male 55,081/female 55,587) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of  Qatar

0-14 years: 12.52% (male 139,353/female 135,514)

15-24 years: 12.96% (male 207,493/female 76,879)
25-54 years: 70.23% (male 1,278,442/female 263,051)
55-64 years: 3.39% (male 57,581/female 16,886)
65 years and over: 0.89% (male 12,365/female 7,253) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of  Turkey

0-14 years: 25.45% (male 10,339,731/female 9,868,005)
15-24 years: 16.25% (male 6,587,897/female 6,314,306)
25-54 years: 43.07% (male 17,323,965/female 16,878,498)
55-64 years: 8.15% (male 3,216,877/female 3,253,892)
65 years and over: 7.09% (male 2,498,187/female 3,132,911) (2015 est.)


Age Structure of  Lybia

0-14 years: 26.52% (male 869,583/female 830,751)
15-24 years: 17.77% (male 588,243/female 551,139)
25-54 years: 46.62% (male 1,567,608/female 1,421,246)
55-64 years: 4.97% (male 163,133/female 155,703)
65 years and over: 4.12% (male 132,740/female 131,630) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of  Sudan
0-14 years: 40.15% (male 7,359,547/female 7,138,348)
15-24 years: 20.5% (male 3,815,524/female 3,587,177)
25-54 years: 32.08% (male 5,620,201/female 5,964,277)
55-64 years: 4.02% (male 765,137/female 685,577)
65 years and over: 3.25% (male 638,495/female 534,570) (2015 est.)

Age Structure of  Egypt

0-14 years: 31.89% (male 14,430,312/female 13,790,448)
15-24 years: 17.64% (male 7,985,589/female 7,620,404)
25-54 years: 38.45% (male 17,307,230/female 16,715,153)
55-64 years: 6.86% (male 2,971,475/female 3,100,747)
65 years and over: 5.16% (male 2,058,911/female 2,507,127) (2015 est.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The War On Christmas

Right wing Christians love to play the victim. They seem to cum in their pants when they start their persecution fantasies. One of their favorite narratives is their war in Christmas bullshit.

This song sums up the hypocrisy of the Christian right. What would Jesus do? Well, for starters, he'd probably run away screaming from a piety-pretending Fox News parroting cousin marrying inbred Bible belt dwelling conservative Christian cocksuckers.