Tuesday, July 5, 2011

God Laughs at Our Suffering

Humans and other animals suffer needlessly and very often it is by an act of God.

God really does hate gays. He hurts gives them a horrible life. Finally more and more people are rejecting God people that God made homosexuals can now have a somewhat better life. That has to be pissing off God and his Christian flunkies

(King James Version): "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13

God hates the innocent but he will say that nobody is innocent even though he framed Eve. God is evil!

God Just found Casey Anthony NOT guilty.  God was obviously on that jury. God hates justice and he hates children.


  1. Somebody will take that bitch out!

    1. God is a very evil cocksucking faggot bitch that just doesn't know right from wrong which is why these low life animals get away with everything today. God is the one that should be burning in hell for that one.

    2. Jesus was the issue of rape! There was no consent! Mary had rights! Hers were violated! By a higher power!!

  2. though i find the idea of religon entertaining, it is obvious that he is not real and, if he is, he does not deserve to be worshipped when he is responsible for so much pain and death.

  3. Real or concocted God is evil. Life is horrible.

  4. God tortures most of his children. God savors our torment.

  5. God is cruel like Casey Anthony.

  6. God is a fucking cock sucking bastard.

  7. If there was a God I would certainly say he was evil. However since there is not, the only people responsible for most of that stuff are the cocksucking religinuts who created the imaginary friend. They say they have morals and obey the bible but all I ever see is them hating, killing, etc. The bible says slaves are to obey, women are to shut the fuck up and that this imaginary friend killed millions of people. Hell! Satan has a better track record! The religinuts are blind and stupid and it's apparent that religion is a way to control the masses and get money for the priest/preacher/molestor whatever. Religion is a joke and so are the people who abide by it.

    1. You may have a point. These Catholic priests and other church officials preach on about obstructing medical science and embryonic stem cell research because they believe that embryonic stem cells are little people. However, many of these same assholes can't seem to keep their dicks in their pants whenever they come across defenseless little kids, and they lie for each other whenever the authorities try to run interference to stop their atrocities. Geez. I wonder why the Bolsheviks massacred 15,000 of those bastards back in 1917 during the Russian Revolution. Because they had it coming to them.

    2. Worse than the pedophile pervert priest are the bishops that run the cover ups.

  8. God could be the collective unconscious that may or may not have existed before humans.

  9. God is a CUNT! I cowardice piece of rotting shit. If he would actually have the balls to show his face to me, I would personally take the cunt out. He is a twisted fuck, that is worse than any animal I have known. We shouldn't even give him the label of God because Cunt is more appropriate.

    Him & his cronies the various religions of the world are the reason for all the Hate in this world.

    Why do people act like cowards when they suicide bomb in his name? Because he is a cowardice fucking cunt that needs to be taken out asap.

    1. Well said Brad and 100% true. God takes delight in our suffering.

    2. Taking everything you and Brad said into account, I can bet you that there are more misotheists in this world than atheists, agnostics, and even Christians combined. God is a hateful son of a bitch! If there is even one iota of truth to what Bibletards say about all suicides going to hell, then I guess the joke is on God himself, because that mean that the suicide bombers are taking the pathway to Hell in his great name. It makes you kind of wonder if God and Satan are both in cahoots with each other, and humanity only has itself upon which to depend.

    3. As the story goes God got pissed at Lucifer because he would not bow to Adam. Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels rebelled. Those angels lost the war. As punishment to Lucifer and his angels God gave them the task of torturing humans for all eternity.

      I think the real facts are these. God/Jehovah was becoming a bigger and bigger asshole. Lucifer as the story goes was God's favorite angel. Lucifer really loved mankind and he saw Adam as a mind slave so he fought God in an attempt to save Adam from all the suffering human beings endure as per God's evil plan.

      Hell may actually be a fun place and the habitual wrong doers such as Republicans go to Heaven where they massage God's insatiable ego for all eternity.

    4. Keep the Republicans out of this dick cheese

  10. There seems to be more hate flowing out of your own mouths than I have heard from any of God's followers. I think the term for that is hypocrisy...

    1. Fuck you liar. It seems that you have never heard of Muslims and Christians. Not Only do they spew hatred thsy cause the most suffering.

      The term for you is dick sucking ass licking hypocrite.

    2. Man?! I'd love to say what you just said in your reply, right to Reverend Pat Robertson's face on live television. I would have the pleasure of humiliating that Bibletard hypocrite right in front of his own congregation.

    3. Id sodomize and humiliate his mother, and his son in the name of Ahriman. Fuck him so hard until his butt hole rips.

    4. god is a bad manager and a dumb ass. If he we’re so great he would have not created humans. All we have ever done is caused him trouble. He has silly rules and damned Adam, Eve, and mankind because of a bite out of a fucking apple? What a controlling dick our god is for sure.

  11. Replies
    1. God is real... a real asshole and it sucks!

    2. God is real.. real evil!

  12. Jesus’ Predictions:

    1) Jesus falsely prophesies DIRECTLY to the high priest (Caiphas) that he would live to see his second coming. Jesus uses the term “coming on the clouds of heaven”. This clearly negates the “coming” as the resurrection but as a return to the earth on CLOUDS, not his return in human form from the dead. Matthew 26:64 & Mark 14:62.

    "But I tell you: From now on you will see 'the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power' and 'coming on the clouds of heaven.'" (Matthew 26:64 NAB)

    Then Jesus answered, "I am; and 'you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.'" (Mark 14:62 NAB)

  13. God and Jesus deserve to burn in a lake of fire for all eternity in the most unimaginable torture anyone could ever conceive.

    1. Huh! Jesus had it easy when he hung on the cross for so many days until his death in comparison to the innocent women who were burned at the stake by these self-appointed clerics on the false accusations of witchcraft back in the 1600s in New England here in the United States of America. Considering all the collective suffering that God and Jesus have caused in the form of religious fanaticism, I think I would have been a lot more creative than the Romans were at making Jesus suffer on the cross before his death. Not only would I have nailed him to the cross, but I would have taken a large hammer and smashed every bone in his body until he was screaming from the top of his lungs and spitting blood. Then I would have skinned him alive after I dismembered all his limbs with a machete knife and gauged his eyes out. And if he were lucky to still be alive afterwards, I would have splashed gasoline or olive oil or even acid all over his body and set him on fire to watch him burn to death. The bastard has brought so much chaos and suffering to humanity that he got a slap in the face when he was crucified compared to the agony he has caused to so many people throughout time. And Nazareth? Bethlehem? And Jerusalem? Those three places should have blown off the face of the Earth years ago. It would have been doing all the Jews a favor, because those three places are nothing but collective shit holes at this point in time.

    2. The holy land should be turned into a cinder.

      As to Jesus of Nazareth; Jesus/God never wrote one single thing that appears in the Bible. Everything written about Jesus is hearsay.

      The worst thing about religion is how it makes people reject reason and reality.

    3. YEAH smashing jesus with a hammer and plucking his eyes out.
      Going back in time to when he was still a baby and making love to his yound warm mouth! what a treat.

  14. Why does our government even give these asshole church officials tax exemptions? The United States of America could lift itself out of debt by taxing the Church of Scientology right up through its ass alone. And those fuckers don't even worship any god. Not to say that I wouldn't want to see the 700 Club get taxed through its ass as well, because I hate Pat Robertson and I was glad when Jerry Falwell died.

    1. American politicians are lying sacks of shit and they pander to the Bible thumpers for votes. Most of them know that God is a bunch of bullshit but they pretend to believe.

      I guess one can call anything a religion.

  15. God is a real Douchebag for making many of us suffer on this rotten earth.

  16. God sucks filthy Cock and Swallows like a filthy Motherfucker.

  17. God does fuck Jesus up the Ass and sucks his Dick.

  18. Satan does really make God suck his filthy cock and then he will Blow is load all over his face. Amen.

    1. Satan is a creation of God since God is all knowing and the creator of the universe.

  19. Well that Filthy Scumbag that calls himself God Never gave me a Good Wife And Family that he gave to so many other Billions of people on this earth. Eat Shit and Burn in Hell with Satan. Then again, Most of the women of today Really Do Suck too since Most of them are certainly Gay nowadays.

  20. I understand what just about everyone here is going through, and it is true that God is a sadist. Whenever I leave my bathroom, somehow a doorknob finds a way to bang into my right hand no matter how careful I am. If it only happened once in a blue moon, I would make no issue out of it. However, this time a hanger fell from my curtain rack into the bathtub and broke. And even when the doorknob only taps my right hand, I get this extremely painful, large bruise on it that takes forever to go away. It's as though God is up there waiting to stick the knives into me one by one when I least expect it, and I have done nothing to deserve his animosity. My hatred for him has intensified so much that there are no words to describe how much I'd love to hack him with an ax if he were human. Instead of giving Jesus Christ a crucifixion, the Romans should have taken him and chopped his head off. That is, after beating and torturing him. I'm not a Jihadist, but that's just how I feel about God and Jesus. They both disgust me in every inch of my skin. God and Jesus have no right to complain about misotheists, because they have made people become misotheists.

    1. Oh that cum smoking prick king jesus....
      If he was real i would grab his face and poke it with an icepick until his skin rips and punctures. Then id pull him into a room and use a toaster cord to whip his ass so hard. Then id use my hammer to brake off his toes teeth eyes fingers And smash off his nose too. After im done battering his analed corpse up. I would cut his chest open and dump in the decomposing corpse of a molested alter boy, then last thing to do is take some lazatives and shit inside his chest as well. And laugh at him and say the lords preyer in reverse while masturbation over a sheep skull.
      After i cum on the sheep skull three black candles are lit around christ and then i place the sheep skull in the center of his slashed open, Shit filled chest.

  21. God and Jesus both fuck each other in the ass as well as sucking each others dick and swallowing altogether. Hail Sstan.

  22. God is a filthy scum sucking pig Homo. Case Closed.

    1. Pure evil. Any father would would allow his children to feel and ounce of pain deserves death.

  23. Well after all God is a very evil monster that created evil in the first place.

  24. God is a scum sucking faggot that gets fucked up the ass by Jesus Christ everyday since they're both butt buddies.

  25. God is the lowest form of scum since that fucking no good faggot is better off sucking filthy cock and swallowing since he has caused so much evil on this rotten planet of ours. And that filthy scum sucking pig should burn in hell with Satan where he belongs.

  26. Well then again since God is a very filthy scum sucking Faggot piece of shit to begin with, what else would you expect. God should Rot in hell with the Devil.

  27. God will always be a filthy Cocksucker and swallow as well.

  28. Well that filthy no good cock sucking faggot that they call God should burn in hell with Satan anyway since that filthy scumbag has punished enough of us innocent people for no reason at all to begin with. What the fuck did we do wrong anyway? Eat shit and die you fucking homo.

    1. No need for slurs against gay people. God is especially cruel to them too.

      God could very well be a latent homosexual who is very conflicted about it. God calls for the death of gays in Leviticus 20:13.

      God is probably also a pathetic self-hater and his hatred for and cruelty to females is typical of a latent homo.

      God is pathetic. Let's hurt him in every way we can.

      The thing that hurts God most is the truth.

  29. God is a filthy scumbag. Hail Satan.

    1. The Jews say the Satan means adversary and if this is true I would not hail Satan but instead work with him to destroy God and free humanity from God's cruel yoke of suffering.

  30. When God has a filthy cock in his mouth and he is swallowing, which it will be very hard for him to laugh at our suffering then.

  31. Fuck God. Hail Satan.

    1. I wouldn’t go that far ace. Satan is like god, he doesn’t have your best interest at heart. You better hail anonymous

  32. It is just too very bad that God doesn't burn in hell with Satan which then we could laugh about his suffering.

  33. God is the filthiest Cocksucker of them all.

  34. God is sucking so many dicks and swallowing nowadays which really explains why a very good straight man like me never met a good decent normal woman to settle down with to have a family. Never will ever blame myself at all since i never should have been single in the first place to begin with. And with so many filthy Whores And Lesbians everywhere these days just adds to the problem why many of us good men are still single today since we really Can't even blame ourselves at all either.

    1. Decent women are few and far between but they are out there. Think about the married guys you know. How many of them are happy? I have a friend who finally found a decent woman and I have a cousin who is married to a nice sane woman.

      Girls are held to lower standards than boys and then there is the issue of hormones. God is a such a fucker that he gives us men a strong desire for pussy and usually when we marry some pussy we stop getting pussy. Then God makes women bleed 25% of the time and have cramps and PMS and we men get the brunt of it.

      Transwomen are not nearly as nuts, they can't get knocked up and they are never on the rag. The problem is, they are few and far between.

      Before you give you heart to a woman, don't ignore the red flags and go for the horniest bitch you can find.

      Men can be total assholes to but they are a more honorable being than the woman. They anti-feminist women tend to prefer the friendship of men to women. Find a woman who would be a good friend and who is anti-feminist.

      Good women are out there but they are few and far between.

  35. Then God should have destroyed these filthy Cunt women in the first place since they really have destroyed many of us good men's lives already. Since God created these filthy pigs in the first place which that filthy scumbag needs to clean this shit up already before it gets much worse.

    1. God seems to delight in our suffering and for as miserable as many women are God delights in their suffering as well. Female privilege is part of Western culture. Women can get away with more bad behavior than men. Holding them to such a low standard is not doing them any good. The idea of women and children first really means men last and it presupposes that men are disposable.

  36. God should burn in hell too along with Jesus which then we could laugh so much about them suffering since these filthy diseased piece of shit faggots need to burn in hell with Satan which they would certainly deserve that.

    1. Jesus probably never existed. I suspect that the thing responsible for this system of things is not almighty and can and will be destroyed.

  37. When God burns in hell with Satan which i really will be laughing when he is suffering. And then we could all say, Burn you motherfucker worthless scumbag piece of shit faggot.

    1. It could be that God derives his power from human suffering and ass kissing.

  38. It is real fact that God even sucks more dick than a filthy Whore and a Homo combined. Go figure that one out since i can't.

    1. God could be a fag. He hates women and he never got married.

  39. When God the filthy scumbag burns in hell with Satan which then we can all laugh when he is suffering.

    1. I will just have a tremendous feeling of satisfaction.

  40. God is a fucking retarded scumbag.

  41. God is a fucking scumbag altogether for making many of us very good innocent people to suffer on this rotten no good planet for no reason at all. And that filthy jew bastard Cock sucker should be punishing the very evil low life people out there instead of us innocent ones which will make much more sense. And he should stop innocent people from starving in other countries, especially innocent small children. What the fuck kind of God do we have out there now? He is more like a God of hate which i really believe that God and Satan are both the same person.

  42. Oh yes the Nazarene child is being molested by a catholic they cum on a 4 year old baby boy and suck his Miniature cock off.
    Unholy catholic Baby porno.

  43. Hail genocide all catholics must DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Feet, Hands, Heads Must be snipped off them.
    Rape the nunes then boil their skin away.

  44. God cant stop me i will molest the angels of heaven and drink their Elyxure as it Cums into my wet mouth satan is here to fuck me so hard so now i will drink holy angel cum oh i cant wait for gods hard cock and satans cum too.
    It would make it so good to feel both of them fuck me at once. Cant wait to molest the new savior while he is still good and virgin LOL HE WILL BE TO YOUNG TO KNOW WHO FOCKED UP HARD! he will be a victim of my hard cock/1!

  45. God and Jesus are both fucking cock suckers, and they swallow too.

  46. When God suffers, we will laugh even more.

    1. Yeah when heaven is burning and god is shot at with a nuclear warhead it will melt him out of the sky!

    2. In one of the Star Trek movies Spock kills God with a Klingon phase cannon.

    3. I think that day is coming.

  47. Well i really laugh all the time when that scumbag God suffers too.

  48. I hate him so hard im destined to kill and rape and molest all gods people i will nuke him out the sky fucking sodomize jesus when he is born he should get brutally tortured to death till he DIES DIE DIE DIER DIE! i hate you to fucking death i want to make you suffer appear now of i will just buy 2000 sevilians and kill them all by mowing them down with a tank!]
    Im holding myself back from really writing something beyond fucked up because im in the mood to put a slug threw my head right now if i dont kill myself i will hunt down the bitch virgin merry and kill her and beat her pregnant belly until jesus young body is mutilated to a bloody red dismembered fetus!

    1. Jesus never existed.

      Some Christians are philosophical Christians and they actually do good things but the majority of Christian are pure evil.

  49. Thats right im the one you hate!
    You used to fuck me over so bad growing up that i could kill everyone who believes in your lies.

  50. God even fucks Jesus up the ass everyday.

  51. God and Jesus are cock suckers and butt buddies.

    1. Jesus never existed. Jesus was a invention of the Romans in order to keep people thinking that suffering was a good thing. Jesus said, "Give to Caesar that which is Ceasar's..."

      Jesus was a scam. During the first 100 years of Christianity there was no mention of Jesus.

  52. God you cock sucking faggot, eat shit and burn in hell. And most of us do hate your guts as well.

  53. Well it is real fact that Satan shoved his cock in God's mouth and told him to suck on it and swallow.

  54. God will be sucking so much cock now for the brand new year and swallowing as well that filthy fucking jew bastard piece of shit faggot. Burn in hell with Satan God.

    1. Oh shut up you two year old blaming jews for everything why not just kill your self fag posting the same shit over and over god hates you anyway.

    2. Drop dead faggot or lezzie.

  55. To Anonymous above me, Eat shit and die you fucking no good faggot. And you too need to burn in hell with God and Satan.

  56. I will be laughing too when God burns in hell.

  57. God the filthy scumbag deserves to be put in a meat grinder.

  58. God is a very filthy scumbag that eats shit. Case closed.

  59. I wish that i had the power to cut God's dick off and shove it down his fucking throat which that would be real justice for making many of us good innocent people that are suffering on this rotten no good planet.

  60. God definitely had to suck cock and swallow which is a very good reason why the fucking faggot had to punish a good man like me which kept me single with no wife and family. Yep, i certainly blame that filthy jew bastard faggot for that one which it wasn't my fault at all either.

  61. God is the filthiest scumbag of the heavens, and he is a real filthy diseased infested pig altogether too. Hail Satan.

  62. When fucking scumbag God burns in hell which then we could all laugh about it. And i will even throw gasoline on his body just to make sure.


  64. God is a very scum sucking filthy cock sucking diseased infested piece of shit that takes it up the ass and in the fucking mouth everyday of the year, and then he swallows all that cum juice that goes down his fucking throat.

  65. God will always be filthy no good scum no matter how you look at it. Satan Rules.

    1. Satan doesn't exist. God invented Satan to take the blame off himself. God is a fucking idiot and as soon as humans reject his, he will die.

  66. God is sucking more cock now than a filthy Whore and Homo altogether.

  67. God will be sucking a lot of dick on Christmas and New Years day more than ever since he will also be swallowing as well. And it is very unfortunate that God the filthy no good piece of shit laughs at our suffering since that filthy scumbag is the one that is making many of us good innocent people to suffer for No Reason at all in the first place to begin with. That piece of shit that they call God should really be punishing the very evil rotten low life loser people out there that are causing so much misery and crime which they really are the ones that should be burning in hell for all of their sins that they really are committing in the first place. Wake up God you fucking loser and punish those low life bastards for a change instead of many of us good ones.

  68. God is a very evil filthy cock sucking diseased infested fucking no good pig for keeping a good man like me single today when i never wanted to be in the first place. God you filthy fucking psycho faggot, die.

  69. When God burns the fuck in hell which we can certainly laugh as well.

  70. Fuck you God, you mentally disturbed faggot.

  71. God is a filthy sick bastard. Case closed.

  72. God is a very fucking retarded cock sucking ass eating faggot for punishing many of us good innocent people for no reason at all either. Why should we have all these diseases and sicknesses that we have in this world today? Doesn't make sense at all for many of us to be punished this way to begin with. Why?

  73. God is evil and God derives he evil from evil people. The most evil people are hard core Christians, Muslims and Jews. The moderate hristians, Muslims and Jews are not all that bad.

    The most evil place in America is the Bible belt.

  74. And that filthy faggot no good scumbag cock sucking piece of shit God never made me meet the right good woman for a good man like me that really wanted to get married and have a family. But then again, that shit head God created so many low life piece of garbage women in this world adding to the problem since the women now are nothing at all like the good old days when most women back then were Real Ladies and the very complete opposite of today altogether. At least God back then had a real brain to make so many women that were very old fashioned which made it very easy finding real love in those days with no trouble at all either. Now i know why our family members were very blessed and lucky in those days finding love with one another which today it is like trying to win the lottery. God you filthy fucking loser what the hell did you do to these very pathetic low life women today?

  75. Oh i know the answer. Feminism.

  76. God is nothing but a filthy cocksucker that swallows cum juice everyday for punishing a good single man like me, and he sucks and eats the shit out of Jesus Christ asshole after sucking his cock and swallowing too.

  77. God takes cock in his ass and mouth, and swallows everyday of the year to punish a good single man like me that really wanted a good wife and family to share my life with. Keep sucking God, you ugly motherfucking faggot.

  78. God is taking cock everyday in his ass and mouth, as well as swallowing too.

  79. God the filthy cocksucker is a horrible disease altogether. Eat shit and burn in hell God.

    1. God hates you God hates me
      He hates all humanity
      Hate that God until he's fucking dead
      Smash his balls and crush his head

      God hates you God hates me
      He's an evil entity
      Find that God and beat him to the ground
      Pound and pound and pound and pound

    2. You said it all since God will always be evil scum.

  80. God is a filthy cocksucker that swallows all the cum juice in his mouth.

  81. God is a real fucking terrible disease.

  82. God is the filthiest cocksucker of them all since that filthy scumbag piece of shit even sucks more cock now than a filthy Whore. Go figure.

  83. God and Jesus should burn the fuck in hell where they belong.

  84. God is a real fucking disease.

  85. God sucks and swallows.

  86. God sucks Satan's cock everyday and swallows his load too.

  87. God deserves to be punished very severely by burning in hell for punishing many of us good innocent people for no reason at all.

  88. You want unconditional love? Get a pet dog. Spelled backwards it’s god, that’s the backend of a dog. god is a control freak, if you don’t follow silly rules, you’re fucked.

  89. Even for the New year God will be sucking many more cocks and swallowing more than ever before. Go figure.

  90. God is a filthy disease altogether.

  91. God is the most disgusting cocksucker of them all.

  92. Well at least many of us good innocent people have very excellent reasons to hate that filthy scumbag God since he punished most of us good people for no reason at all by putting us on this rotten no good earth as it is, and we never asked to be born in the first place either.

  93. God is a filthy fucking diseased infested pig that should burn in hell.

  94. God is a filthy ass eater.

  95. I was very lucky the day that God was sucking cock,swallowing,and eating ass.

  96. Looking at those pictures above which is very sad that God the filthy cocking bitch punishes many of those innocent children and many other adults like us for no reason at all. Burn in hell God, you very ugly motherfucker.

  97. God eat shit and burn in hell with Satan, you cocksucking faggot piece of shit.

  98. God should burn the fuck in hell where the filthy scumbag belongs.

  99. God is a filthy fucking disease.

  100. God is a filthy no good scumbag that only punishes the innocent good people like us for no reason at all. And with this Virus going around now which makes it even worse. We need a real God to stop this. Where is he?

  101. God the filthy scumbag should rot in hell where he belongs.

  102. God sucks cocks in hell, and swallows too.

  103. God and Jesus are both a fucking disease.

  104. God sucks cock and swallows all the time since that filthy diseased infested pig is the reason why so many of us innocent good people are punished today.

  105. That filthy scumbag God always did.

  106. God is a fucking filthy prick.

  107. God looks like a cock altogether.

  108. The day that God burns in hell, then we will laugh about it as well.

  109. Even Satan made God his bitch after God sucked his cock and swallowed.

  110. God is a very evil filthy scumbag altogether.

  111. God spell backwards means dog.

  112. God has been tormenting me for my entire life. I have grown to loathe and despise him. I could make people cry describing the shit God has let happen to me. FUCK YOU JESUS!

    1. God the filthy scumbag deserves to burn in hell where he belongs, for making many of our lives so very miserable.

  113. God sucks cock and swallows all the time, that very mentally disturbed faggot. That filthy scumbag God destroyed my life altogether, and i never did anything wrong at all. But then again, which he really did destroy many of us good innocent people altogether as well.

  114. God the filthy cocksucker had to suck cock and swallow like the filthy disgusting faggot piece of shit bitch that he really is, when he punished a real good single man like me that was really hoping to meet a good woman to settle down with. That diseased infested low life fucking pig God is just so very rotten and evil altogether, especially when i really wanted and was hoping to be married with a family that i still don't have today. And at least what i would have wanted was a very normal thing too since so many other men nowadays were so very lucky to have that. God deserves to roast the fuck in hell, where that filthy cocksucker belongs altogether.

  115. God is a very filthy disgusting pig that should really burn in hell where that scumbag really belongs altogether.

  116. God is a filthy cum eating dog that swallows.

  117. God needs to eat the shit out of a horse's asshole, and that is after he sucks the horse's cock and swallows.

  118. God just loves to suck cock and swallow all the time when he keeps punishing many of us good innocent people for no reason at all.

  119. God laughs at our suffering, but we will really laugh when that filthy low life piece of shit loser God burns the fuck in hell.

  120. God laughs at our suffering because he is a filthy fucking cocksucking piece of shit, and a diseased infested pig altogether. That is why we really needed a real God, not this retarded scumbag. Just remember, a real God would had never punished us at all to begin with. Just look at what is happening in our world today, just too much evil and hate unfortunately. Just too much suffering in our world today, especially with all these diseases and sicknesses that we have out there today as well. This fucking so called God that we have now is really Satan.

  121. God is a filthy disgusting low life loser cocksucker to begin with, since that scumbag is very rotten and evil altogether to begin with. Why would that fucking moron create such a world like this, especially what is going on in this world today. We really needed a real God, not this asshole.

  122. God definitely punished a very good man like me for no reason at all, the day he was sucking cock and swallowing like a motherfucking fool.

  123. God laughs at our suffering because he is a filthy cocksucking low life piece of shit that should burn the fuck in hell where that scumbag belongs in the first place, and then we could all laugh at him while that asshole is burning since he makes many of us very good innocent people suffering on this rotten earth for no reason at all.

  124. God is a very filthy disgusting pig.

  125. God is a filthy contaminated cocksucking homo that should burn the fuck in hell for punishing many of us good innocent people for no reason at all. Just look at this rotten disgusting world we live in now that has so much hate and misery in it today. God clean up this shit already, you filthy scumbag piece of shit.

  126. When God burns in hell, then we can all laugh about it as well.

  127. God sucks the big one everyday of the year, after he gets fucked up the ass like the filthy diseased bitch that he really is.

  128. God is sucking cock and swallows everyday of the year, which is why many of us good innocent people are suffering for his very dumb mistakes. If only that fucking retarded cocksucker would leave us alone, and should be going after the other rotten low life scumbag people to begin with. Leave us alone God, you fucking filthy low life piece of shit jew bastard.

  129. God had to suck cock and swallow like a motherfucker to punish me.

  130. God sucks on horse cock everyday of the year, and swallows as well.

  131. God even sucks elephant's cock and swallows too.

  132. God is a very filthy diseased infested pig.

  133. God sucks filthy cock everyday and swallows like a bitch.

  134. God gets fucked up the ass everyday, sucks cock and swallows when he punishes many of us innocent good people for no reason at all. That filthy low life piece of shit scumbag always rewards the very evil people. Go figure.

  135. God is a filthy cocksucking faggot bitch. And the more cock he sucks and swallows, the more i am punished. Go figure.

  136. God the filthy cocksucking diseased infested piece of shit should burn the fuck in hell where that filthy scumbag cocksucker belongs when he punishes many of us good innocent people for no reason at all. Burn God you ugly fucking faggot.

  137. God is a real fucking disgusting cocksucking piece of shit for causing all of the problems that we have now in this world today, which we really needed a real God to stop what is going on today all over this world altogether. And not this filthy scumbag piece of shit God that we now have today.

  138. God sucking cock and swallowing really does make him very severely fucking mentally retarded.

  139. God is a filthy cocksucker low life piece of shit for punishing a good man like me everyday of my life for no reason at all. And he had to suck cock and swallow like a filthy bitch which is why i am being punished, even when i never did anything wrong in the first place. God should burn in hell where that filthy scumbag belongs.

  140. Even Satan nowadays is butt fucking God up the ass very hard, that is after God is sucking his cock and swallowing like a fucking fool.

  141. God is a filthy cum dumpster.

  142. God is a very filthy disgusting cocksucker that swallows every single day of the year, especially when he punished many of us good single straight men with singleness for no reason. Go figure.

  143. God is a filthy jew bastard faggot sucking cock and swallowing everyday of the year for punishing many of us innocent people for no reason at all. And that filthy scumbag piece of shit keeps rewarding the very evil people causing crime and hurting innocent people as well. God burn in hell you filthy diseased infested scumbag loser.

  144. God is a filthy cocksucker that takes it in the ass and in his mouth day after day.

  145. God the filthy cocksucker will be sucking and swallowing more than ever before for the new year 2022. Go figure.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.