Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Scott Walker is a Liar

All False statements involving Scott Walker

Scott Walker is a liar. This comes as no surprise because he's a Republican.

He may not like the result of the latest, but the poll’s been consistent
Misleading claim based on favorable assumptions
Wrong by seven years and one political party
As a political argument, it may work. But as a financial one? Experts say not so much
Law enforcement in Madison doesn't see it that way
With relief for some as low as $1, even small business group leader says it’s no job creator
The pulse may be weak, but the project hasn’t yet gone to the great train station in the sky
While there is a political and moral dispute on the issue, scientists argue research on both types should continue
Ideological opposites don't always attract

Except for that speech at the border in 2011
We haven't seen any documents, just statements
A slow recovery, but not the worst ever

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Honor Thy Father and Mother or Hate Your Entire Family?

I Never Read The Bible Either... Oops! - Demotivational Poster

Like most Christians Jesus never actually read the Bible. He certainly did not read Ephesians 6:2 and you have never read Luke 14:26 because it you had you would reject Jesus for being a lunatic.

Jesus has said a lot of horrible things such and how to beat slaves and the Christian industry (that's right industry) with their warped logic and rhetoric comes up with a way to spin it and defend the evil of their lunatic lord.

Stop denying the evil that is the Bible.