Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

Send this video to everyone you know.

I understand that you may not think this is about religion but it is. MD really stands for Me Deity. Psychiatry is a religion for the criminals who practice it.

After you watch this video you will be shocked and numb.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Boycott Papa John's

Boycott Papa Johns

Boycott Papa Johns Pizza

Buy your pizza from a place where working class people are not used as political pawns.
Papa John's CEO says employees may lose hours to pay for Obamacare
John Schnatter says Obamacare will increase price of pizza 10-14 cents.
Actually, it's 3.4-4.6 cents, according to Forbes
Papa John's Facing $250 Million Text Message Spam Lawsuit
Koch-funded FreedomWorks:
Stand with Papa John's
(screw the workers)
Politics with your pizza?
John Schnatter: You can keep your politics AND you can keep your pizza. We want neither.
"Papa John" is living large in his $600 million castle!
This phony bastard tries to look Italian

Papa John's Castle
John Schnatter’s 40,000 square foot castle is located in a wealthy country club suburb of Louisville, Kentucky. The property is spread out over a 16 acre estate and as Romney mentioned, features several swimming pools, a private lake and a golf course. The guest house alone is 6000 square feet and is valued at over $7 million according to! Another interesting feature is the 22 car multi-level underground garage which has its very own “valet office”, car wash and a gigantic motorized turn table-driveway to help park stretch limousines. (
Other places to avoid:
Boycott this Florida Denny's
Boycott Koch Brothers
Olive Garden and Red Lobster

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Atheists Are In Denial

Most atheists know a lot more about the Bible and religious beliefs than most fools who believe in God but nonetheless atheists are still in denial. Deep down they know that God exists but if they admit that to themselves they would live their lives knowing that the God of the night is even more evil than his followers. This is unlike a Republican politician who is evil but less evil than his supporters.

Atheists are like Switzerland during World War II. They refuse to get involved in fight with an evil tyrant. They pretend that tyrant does not exist or that by not opposing it tyrant that tyrant will leave them alone but God is much more cruel and evil than Hitler could ever dream of being.

The Existence of Suffering

If God was all-powerful and all-loving, with free will yet perfectly good, God would create life with similar properties: with free will and perfectly good. Meaning that there would be no human-created evil, and no need for evil, suffering or death in the world in any way. However, there is evil and death in very great quantities, therefore it holds that if the situation was created by a god then such a god is not omnipotent and benevolent. Given that such a god exists, it must be malevolent: An evil god, who created life for the sole purpose of watching life suffer.

Such a god would make life, in its very essence, impossible to exist without death, violence, suffering and struggle. Advanced life, especially, would be inherently prone to nastiness, wars, immorality, killing and causing of suffering. As this is how it is in the world, it holds that the existence of such levels of suffering, if it is the result of intelligent design, is thoroughly evil, and to call god "good" is a corruption of the truth.

As it happens, the world is as we would expect it to be if the designer of life was evil. Ancient religious minds also realized this. Gnostic religions such as the Manicheans explained that this world was the creation of an evil God, and that we had to somehow escape from it. Some people criticize this, asking, if the world was designed by an evil God, why is there some happiness and goodness in the world? Why isn't the world purely evil, with only suffering?
“A Manichean might retort that this is the worst of all possible worlds, in which the good things that exist serve only to heighten the evils. The world, he might say, was created by a wicked demiurge [who] created some virtuous men, in order that they might be punished by the wicked; for the punishment of the virtuous is so great an evil that it makes the world worse than if no good men existed.”
"History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell (1946)

In the Bible, when people were trying to build a tower to reach God a cruel and paranoid God destroyed the tower and said to the other God he was working with at the time. "let us go down and confuse their language." God pulled the same evil act on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God even lied and told Eve that if she ate the apple she would die. Eve lived for a very long time after she ate the apple. Actually, the tree is symbolic as is its fruit. What Eve received from the tree was knowledge and if indeed Adam and Eve had free will as God a liar that  would like us to believe then Eve actually chose knowledge over ignorance and God has used that as an excuse to torture everybody. You know it and I know it and everyone knows that only an evil God would do that.

My message to atheists is simple, either shit or get off the pot and pull your heads out of your butts. You do acknowledge that the majority of believers in God are despicable beings. You know that they will stab in the back any chance they get. You know that any good they do is an effort to appease the tyrant God. You know that they are liars and you know that they do more harm to the world that they could ever possibly do good. If you can't accept the fact that God is a real entity then at least admit that the belief in God causes a great deal of the suffering in the world when it comes to man's inhumanity to man. After you do that it acknowledge the fact that humans are plagued by diseases and suffering that is currently beyond our control. Connect the dots and you will see the big picture. God is real and he is the enemy.

If you cannot oppose and work to destroy the entity that is God because you are still in denial as to his existence then destroy his believers because it is my sincere belief they are the source of this entity's power. I believe in the collective unconscious. I have studied enough about the human consciousness project to know that our thoughts can and do affect events.

The entity we refer to as God however you want to define it, be it a real being or some sort of meta-being does exist in one form or another. It wants us to suffer and eventually it wants us to destroy ourselves. Think of this entity as Michael Vick and think of us as the dogs he puts in a pit to tear each other apart for his own amusement. There is a difference between Michael Vick and God. Michael Vick tortured a bunch of dogs and eventually Michael Vick was stopped, punished, eventually he felt remorse, he amended his life and tried to write his wrongs. Like Michael Vick, God too needs to be brought to justice but since God is a soulless entity, rehabilitation is not possible so the only solution for the God problem will be his complete and total destruction.

How much reverence can you have for a supreme being who find it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm a.k.a. Islam and tooth decay a.k.a. Christianity in his divine system of creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatological mind of his when he robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did he ever create pain? – Joseph Heller, Catch 22 modified by El Rondo.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Steven Hawking Dead?

Steven Hawking Dead?

“I believe the simplest explanation is, there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful.” 

Some fucking douche bag started a rumor that Steven Hawking is dead. He's not dead. Most of you know that Steven Hawking suffers from ALS. ALS is one of God's most horrible creations and it is no surprise that he would give this disease to a guy like Hawking whose brain hold the secrets of the universe and whose knowledge would advance humanity a thousand years.

Stephen Hawking and others like him may hold the secrets to warp drive and time travel. That means that we as humans can travel to distant parts of the galaxy in the blink of an eye we go back in time and get rid of all the fucking assholes like Mohammed and Jesus Christ who have poisoned the collective consciousness of humanity.

Stephen Hawking was not the only super genius who is plagued by disease. Over Einstein suffered from dyslexia. Abraham Lincoln, the emancipator of the slaves suffered from depression as it his wife Mary Todd Lincoln. John F. Kennedy suffered chronic back pain and eventually one of God's agents killed him. The same thing happened to Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John Lennon.

I don't agree with Hawking that there is no God. I believe the evidence of God abounds and I think the ancients realized that and the religious texts that are parroted by Judaism and Christian texts seem to point to a God or some force that is cruel and destructive to living things, especially humans. Hawking cannot explain the system of things that seem to be created exclusively for our suffering seasoned with a small amount of joy to make the suffering feel worse.

Hawking has waffled on the existence of God and I suppose for him it's part of wishful thinking but the fact remains there is an intelligence responsible for the system of things and that intelligence or being is malevolent. When Epicurus said that pleasure is good and pain is evil he was right and anything else is just rationalization, intellectual dishonesty and bullshit. Wake up peasants!


Stephen Hawking Dead: Theoretical Physicist Dies at 76 ...

Let's hope that Hawking finds where God is and kills him. On March 14th 2018 Hawking died. God really fucked with him because deep down I think God feared Hawking because God is not all powerful or all knowing and Hawking was onto him.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gov Chris Christie Tells It Like It Is

This is one more example of how greedy the red state Bible Belt Christians really are. Republican Congressman from New York and New Jersey did not hesitate to vote for aid for hurricane Katrina victims in Mississippi and Louisiana. Hurricane Sandy was far more devastating than Hurricane Katrina.

It's becoming more and more clear that the Bible thumpers are hateful bunch. These morons still fighting the Civil War and as we all know the Civil War was fought mostly to free the slaves who were enslaved by these heartless and cruel Christians.

God is Hate and Jesus Is an Evil Liar

Is Jesus Christ Vengeful?
Does Jesus condone revenge? If you do not accept Jesus Christ, is it acceptable to Jesus that you to suffer "Eternal Torment" in Hell? Ergo, does Jesus Christ enjoy sweet revenge?

Luke 1:33 Jesus will rule over the house of Jacob, forever. KJV

Forever? C. Dennis McKinsey asked: Historically, when did Jesus ever ruled over the Jews? 

The Jews, as a religion, have always rejected Jesus Christ as God's savior or as God.

Would the Jewish religion consider it a sin for Jesus to demand ruling over them?

Would Islam consider it a sin for Jesus to demand ruling over them?

Would an Atheist consider it a sin for Jesus to demand ruling over him or her?

Mark 2:18-20 Jesus went against the Old Testament God's rules on fasting. Catholic

Matthew 5:32 Jesus went against God's rules on divorce.
Btw, did you know that God, Himself, is a divorcee - as documented C&V?

Jeremiah 3:8 For all the adulteries rebellious Israel committed, I (God) put her (Israel) away and gave her a bill of divorce... (Catholic)