Monday, November 4, 2013

Speaking in Tongues IS Demonic

By David J. Stewart
“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance ... Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.” —Acts 2:4,6
       The Charismatic movement is of the Devil. They are easily identified by three distinct heresies: 1) the speaking-in-tongues mumbo-jumbo; 2) the teaching that salvation can be lost from sin; 3) fake healing meetings and crusades. I met a man on an airplane who denied being a Charismatic, but believed all three heresies aforementioned. SPEAKING IN TONGUES HERESY!
Although he claims to be non-denominational, he is woefully deceived and has most certainly been caught up into the Charismatic mess. To no surprise, his so-called “pastor” is a Korean woman (who sees visions from God, he says). Women preachers are sinful, and are a major reason for all the doctrines of devils being taught in pulpits today across America. Biblically, Women Have No Church Authority
There is clear Scriptural evidence condemning the mumbo-jumbo, nonsense, which Charismatics call “speaking in tongues” today.  First, on the Day of Pentecost Peter spoke in Greek, no other language. 

The Bible says that the people from other nations HEARD (Acts 2:6-8) in their own native tongue (i.e., language).  What they actually experienced that day was HEARING IN TONGUES.  Peter never spoke any language other than the Greek he normally spoke.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to reconcile the demonic jibber-jabber of Pentecostals today with the miracle of tongues in the Bible.  Acts 2:9-11 mentions sixteen different nations which were present on the Day of Pentecost.  Acts 2:8 plainly states that each man HEARD the Gospel in his own native tongue in which he was born.  How does this compare with the Charismatic speaking in tongues today that makes NO SENSE TO ANYONE.  Listen for yourself (right click to download)...
Furthermore, the Apostles NEVER sought the miracle of tongues, it was always initiated by God. Pentecostals preachers today arrogantly claim to have the ability to access God's power at their will. They do not. Just as Catholic priests sinfully claim to have God's power to forgive sin, so do Pentecostal ministers sinfully claim to have God's power to heal people and work miracles. This is sinful pride and a perversion of the teachings of God's Word.
Also, please note that every time the Bible mentions the Apostles speaking with new tongues that the Gospel message was being preached. In sharp contrast, Charismatics today don't even know what they're trying to say, and someone else has to interpret. The Apostles always knew what they were saying as they spoke, and again, their listeners HEARD in their own language. 
Consider this, why do Pentecostals only speak in Charismatic tongues during Charismatic meetings, and in Charismatic churches? If speaking in tongues is a sign of being saved and spiritual (as Pentecostals teach), then why do they never speak in tongues in public? Have you ever seen a Pentecostal speak in tongues on a city bus, or at a ball game, or in a restaurant? Hmmm? No, they only speak in demonic tongues when in a demonic service. Listen friend, any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit (demonic). The practice of speaking in Charismatic tongues invokes a familiar spirit that is not of God.
Biblically, Lost Sinners Heard in Tongues

We have all heard the term "speaking in tongues"; but, no one actually spoke in tongues in the Bible. Rather, they spoke in their own language, and the listeners HEARD the message in their own native language. We read in Acts 2:8-11, "And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?  Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God." So none of the Apostles, nor any of the New Testament saints, ever spoke in some unknown Heavenly jibber-jabber; but rather, in their own native language. 

This is confirmed in Acts 2:8. The gift, or miracle, of tongues was manifest in the HEARING of the Word, and NOT the speaking. The term "speaking in tongues" is often misunderstood, somewhat of a misnomer. When the Bible mentions "speaking in tongues," it is referring to hearing in tongues. When the Gentile converts spoke with "tongues" in Acts 10:46, it was the same Greek word for "tongues" as in Acts 2:4 ("glossa," meaning, "the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations."). It was a KNOWN earthly language. The same Greek word is used by the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 14:18, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all." However, Paul had the GIFT of tongues, which is different from the MIRACLE of tongues in Acts 2. Paul was fluent was different languages. Many people today are gifted in being able to learn several different languages. 
The same is true of musical instruments. Some people are gifted writers. Now, nearly anyone can write something, but few people can write in such a way that others are compelled to read their works. The "gifts" of the Spirit are different from the miracles of God. The gift of tongues still exists today; but the Apostolic miracles of tongues and healing ceased during the New Testament, which is evidenced by Paul's inability to later heal himself, Timothy, and Trophimus. God does still heal today, but he works through the prayers of the saints, and requires for us to be reconciled with our Christian brethren (James 5:15-16).

Sign Miracle of Tongues verses the Gift of Tongues

A clear distinction needs to be made between the sign miracle of tongues in Acts 2, and the "gift" of tongues (languages) which Paul spoke of in 1st Corinthians 14:18. It is also very important to notice that NO ONE in the Bible ever decided to initiate the miracle of tongues, it was ALWAYS initiated by God alone. In sharp contrast, the language gift of tongues for today is something which we can use daily as we serve the Lord, trying to get people saved with that gift. There is NO sign miracle of tongues today; but there is a "gift" of languages. Some people are gifted musicians, others are gifted orators, some are gifted writers, and some are gifted interpreters. 

However, there is no need for the sign gifts today, because we have the completed Word of God. This is evidenced by the Apostle Paul's inability to heal his co-laborer in the Lord and friend, Timothy (1st Timothy 5:23). Paul said he had left Trophimus at Miletum ... SICK! (2nd Timothy 4:20. The sign gift of healing promised by Jesus in Mark 16:18 had come and gone. If there were a gift of healing today, the hospitals would be empty; but they are filled to capacity.

We read in Revelation 7:9, "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues..." It is abundantly clear from Revelation 7:9 that the word "tongues" here is referring to established earthly languages. The word for "tongues" here is "glossa," the same as in Acts 2 and 1st Corinthians 14. So there is no debate for the honest Bible student concerning the word "tongues," it simply means known earthly "languages." This is also confirmed in Acts 2:6, "...every man heard them speak in his own language.

Although some may debate whether the sign miracle of tongues is available today--the fact that Paul couldn't heal Timothy, Trophimus, or even himself of his thorn in the flesh--should be convincing enough evidence that the sign miracle of tongues ceased by the end of the New Testament time period. Notice in 1st Corinthians 14:18 that the Apostle Paul proclaimed, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all." Again, in sharp contrast, we read in Acts 2:6, "...every man HEARD them speak in his own language." 
The miracle of tongues in Acts 2 allowed the multitudes from at least 16 different nations to HEAR the Gospel in their own native language; but Peter was only preaching in Greek. In 1st Corinthians 14, Paul is able to SPEAK in various languages which God has gifted him to learn. 

So the nonsensical babbling that goes on all across the world in Charismatic /Pentecostal /Assemblies of God Churches today is demonic! The MIRACLE of tongues in the Bible was exclusively for the purpose of soulwinning; whereas the GIFT of tongues today can also be used for edifying (i.e. building up the church through Bible-study). 

However, the Bible teaches that the proper gift of tongues in not confusing (1st Corinthians 14:33). The mumbo-jumbo that goes on in Charismatic churches today is utter foolishness!!! The Apostle Paul said he'd rather speak five words which could be understood, than 10,000 that couldn't (1st Corinthians 14:19)! I think those five words to Charismatics today would be something like ..."You folks are really crazy!" I am not being unkind, that's exactly what Paul said in 1st Corinthians 14:23, "...will they not say that ye are mad?" The goofy rambling of incoherent utterances by Charismatics today is nothing less than CRAZY!

The Sign Gift of Tongues Ceased in the New Testament Period

Furthermore, there are relatively few mentions of "tongues" in the Bible. We read of "tongues" once Mark, a few times in Acts, and several times in 1st Corinthians. Other than 1st Corinthians (which was written to carnal believers, 1st Corinthians 3:1), Paul never mentions "tongues" again in the New Testament. That should speak volumes to Charismatics, considering that the Apostle Paul penned half of the New Testament.  

The heathen practice of speaking in tongues today is NOT found in the Word of God. Some believers today question whether the gifts of tongues is still valid; but they have a completely wrong understanding of what tongues is to begin with. Biblical speaking in tongues was a sign gift, to validate the message of the Apostles. The Word of God wasn't completed until A.D. 96, and the sign gifts ceased near the completion of the Bible. There is no speaking in tongues today, as there was in Acts Chapter 2. And there NEVER was a jibber-jabber type of speaking, as the Charismatic Pentecostals practice today. All such foolishness is of then Devil. 

Why don't the Charismatics ever reproduce the mighty rushing wind, or the cloven tongues of fire, or the 3,000 people saved from Acts 2? Why do they only try to imitate the speaking in tongues? It's because any idiot can ramble a bunch of nonsensical words, and claim it is of God. The tongues which the Assembly of God Churches, Oral Roberts, Christian International Ministries, Bill Hamon, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Pentecostals, Charismatics, and many others practice today is SATANIC!

Charismatic Speaking in Tongues is of the Devil

Charismatics teach that speaking in tongues (as they practice it), is a sign of being spiritual, proof of being saved, and being full of the Holy Spirit. However, this teaching is NOT taught in the Word of God. The Apostle John wrote the New Testament Books of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John. John declares in 1st John 5:13, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." If speaking in tongues is evidence of salvation, as Pentecostals claim it is, then why DIDN'T John mention tongues even once in his epistles?  I mean, John stated that he wrote his epistle of 1st John so that we may KNOW that we are saved; yet he NEVER mentions "tongues." 

The Biblical sign of one's salvation is a changed life (2nd Corinthians 5:17). John spoke of love, and keeping God's commandments; but, he never mentions tongues. He never mentions baptism either. Yet so many false religions today MANDATE baptism, speaking in tongues, etc. Charismatic jibber-jabber tongues is of the Devil. The Biblical sign gift of tongues in Acts 2 and Acts 10 ceased by the end of the New Testament. The legitimate gift of tongues today is simply the ability to work with multiple languages for the purpose of winning souls to Christ. 

Any carrying on with mumbo-jumbo, hocus-pocus, spontaneous jibber-jabber is NOT of the Holy Spirit; but is of a familiar spirit. A familiar spirit is any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit. These are demonic influences. No believer should ever partake of the Charismatic movement's speaking in tongues, or of the Word of Faith movement, because they are of the Devil. Jesus never spoke in tongues; but He did wash His disciple's feet as an example for us to follow. Jesus did witness the Gospel to others. If speaking in Charismatic tongues were so important, then why doesn't the Bible place any emphasis upon it, as the Pentecostals do? 

The purpose of ALL of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to win lost souls to Jesus Christ; not to make a display for entertainment. Charismatics have turned the house of God into an entertainment center--with their drums, screeching guitars, falling on the floor, rolling on the floor, laughing, barking, acting crazy! They make a mockery of decency and the Word of God. Then there's Oral Roberts 900 foot Jesus which he claimed to have seen. How about Benny Hinn's Holy Spirit machine gun? These are imposters, wolves, who come to us dressed in sheep's clothing. 

Biblical tongues today is simply the ability to work with multiple languages. I've always loved musical instruments, it comes natural to me. Some people can play a radio, and that's about it. I've never liked making speeches, and I hate talking on the phone. I feel much more comfortable writing, and I believe God has a purpose for me in this endeavor. Some people are quick on their feet, and are good talkers. I on the other hand usually say the wrong thing and put my foot in my mouth. I have often asked myself why I had said what I said to someone. 

Therefore, I usually stay quiet. But I enjoy writing, because I can reread my article as many times as necessary to ensure it is exactly what I want to say. I have often spent 6-8 hours writing one article for this website, sometimes even longer. It must be just right, because it is going to influence someone, and I want to honor God and the Truth of God's Word. I am accountable to God for what I teach people; therefore, I take great responsibility in every article I write and publish for others to read. I want to use my talents and resources for God.

Charismatic tongues is dangerous, because it involves familiar spirits. It also draws unsaved people into church for the wrong reasons. It's the same problem with so-called "Christian rock." People come to the rock music, not to Jesus Christ. Most people join Charismatic churches because of the excitement and entertainment, not because they want to find God. As a result, many people find churchianity without Christianity. We are living in apostate times, when most people have religion without God, and knowledge without truth. Let us be diligent to contend for the faith, and expose Satan's works of darkness. Speaking in Charismatic tongues is evil, and is nowhere taught in the Word of God. Don't be misled by the false prophets of Pentecostalism, speaking in Charismatic tongues is of the Devil. 

I would highly recommend the free online book, FACE TO FACE WITH TONGUES, by Pastor Max D. Younce, Th.D.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Christian Apologists Are As Evil As Their Evil God

The following dishonest self serving BS is from a dick sucking ass licking Christian Apologist.

If God is all-knowing why did He create Satan whom He knew would fall?

At the risk of sounding flippant, why not? For what reason or reasons should God have not created the devil even if he was going to fall? Just because God knows what will happen doesn't mean that the person (or angel) isn't free to make choices. Satan freely chose to rebel against God. God knew this would happen.

Nevertheless, let me offer some possible reasons why God would create Satan even though He knew he would fall and rebel.

It was necessary to have the fall so that God could then have a reason to die for our sins thereby demonstrating that God can and does provide the greatest act of love which is to lay down one's life for his friend (John 15:13). 

The fall of Satan provides yet another method for God to be glorified in that God can use sin to prove that sin is "bad" and that God's Word about righteousness is true. 

If God is to have creatures with free will, then the risk of rebellion is part of that freedom. Satan had that freedom and used it to rebel. 

If God had not created Satan and instead another angel fell, then we'd be asking why God made that angel knowing he would fall. 

God has reasons about which we know nothing. 

I know my children will act badly at times, but knowing that does not mean mean that I shouldn't have kids. Part of the risk of freedom is that rebellion will be a reality.

Here is why this sort of apologetics is an evil lie by an evil ass licking liar.

If God knows what will hapen it means he made it happen and his own filthy lying Bible says that like in Rom.8:29-30 "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate.... Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."

What the Bible says about Free Will From the Skeptic's Annotated Bible

God determines who is going to heaven ... 

"And as many as were ordained to eternal life believed." -- Acts 13:48

"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate.... Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." -- Romans 8:29-30

"Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began." -- 2 Timothy 1:9

"He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will." -- Ephesians 1:4-5

"God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation." -- 2 Thessalonians 2:13

and who is going to hell.

"God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned." -- 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation." -- Jude 4

There's nothing you can do about it.

"For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth. .... For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction." -- Romans 9:11-22

The Fall of Satan may really have been the Fall of God. Satan never wrote a book saying how awesome he is nor does he have an army of apologists explaining away his cruelty, injustice, lies and contradictions with lies and dishonest theories.

When this dick sucker says,  The fall of Satan provides yet another method for God to be glorified in that God can use sin to prove that sin is "bad" and that God's Word about righteousness is true.  That's like having a bully friend of yours beat people up and you come running in for the rescue to look like a hero. Think about it, Satan gets sent to hell for not bowing to Adam a human being and now Satan gets to torture human beings for all eternity. Kinda looks to me like Satan and God are partners sort of like the Duke brothers in the movie Trading Places.

The dick sucker says,  I know my children will act badly at times, but knowing that does not mean mean that I shouldn't have kids. Part of the risk of freedom is that rebellion will be a reality.  The difference is that even this dick sucker apologist will probably be fair in punishing his disobedient children. They may get grounded, lose privileges or spanked but they will not be tortured for all eternity. The very God who this dick licker is defending tortures his kids for all eternity simply because they did not get with the program. God main reason for torturing people forever is that they don't love him and believe in him. 

When it all becomes too absurd and even false logic fails the Christian apologists, they will say, "God works in mysterious ways."

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Lesser of Two Evils is Less Evil

Is always the Democrat and the lesser of two evils is less evil.

Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama


Richard Nixon, George W Bush, George HW Bush, Rick Scott, Dick Cheney, Tom Delay, Ted Cruz

There is no lesser of two evils when it comes to pure evil.

See what I mean?

Famous Buddhists Very Few of Whom are Assholes

Think of some famous Christians and think of how many are not assholes.

Peter Poppoff ASSHOLE

Jimmy Swagart ASSHOLE

Pat Robertson  ASSHOLE

Mitt Romney  ASSHOLE

Sarah Palin  ASSHOLE

Michelle Bachmann  ASSHOLE

Jim Bakker  ASSHOLE

Jerry Falwell  ASSHOLE


Newt Gingrich  ASSHOLE

Adolf Hitler  ASSHOLE

George W. Bush  ASSHOLE

Dick Cheney ASSHOLE

Pope Benedict XVI ASSHOLE


Buddhist politicians

  • Bill Clinton, U.S. President (1993-2001) Not an asshole
  • Colleen Hanabusa, U.S. Congresswoman (2011- ) from Hawaii
  • Mazie Hirono, U.S. Congresswoman, (2007-2013) and U.S. Senator (2013- ) Democrat from Hawaii Not an asshole
  • Hank Johnson, U.S. Congressman, (2007- ) Democrat from Georgia Not an asshole
  • Eric Lubbock, United Kingdom, elected member of the House of Lords
  • Rosa Parks, U.S. Civil Rights activist Not an asshole 

The Screwing Of Plaxico Burress

I will be the first to admit that a lot of pro athletes are overpaid prima donnas and there is no doubt that Palxico Burress is one of them. The following article from wikipedia illustrates how our justice system is godly and as scripture tells us when it comes to justice God is a total fucking asshole.

On November 28, 2008, Burress suffered an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound to his right thigh at the New York City nightclub LQ on Lexington Avenue in New York City when his Glock pistol, in the pocket of his black-colored jeans, began sliding down his leg; apparently in reaching for his gun, he inadvertently pressed the trigger, causing the gun to fire.[21] The Manhattan District Attorney stated Burress was in fact wearing jeans.[22] The injury was not life-threatening and Burress was released from an area hospital the next afternoon.[23] Two days later, Burress turned himself in to police to face charges of criminal possession of a handgun.[24] It was later discovered that New York City police learned about the incident only after seeing it on television and were not called by New York-Presbyterian Hospital as required by law. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the hospital actions an "outrage" and stated that they are a "chargeable offense". Bloomberg also urged that Burress be prosecuted to the fullest extent, saying that any punishment short of the minimum 3½ years for unlawful carrying of a handgun would be "a mockery of the law."[25][26] Burress had an expired concealed carry license from Florida, but no New York license.

On December 2, 2008, Burress posted bail of $100,000.[27] Later in the day, Burress reported to Giants Stadium as per team policy for injured but active players and was told he would be suspended without pay[28] for the remaining four games of the 2008 regular season for conduct detrimental to the team. In addition, the Giants placed Burress on their reserve/non-football injury list,[29] meaning he was ineligible to return for the playoffs. Burress was also scheduled to receive $1 million from his signing bonus on December 10, 2008, initially withheld by the team.[30] The NFL Players Association filed a grievance, saying the team violated the collective bargaining agreement and challenging the suspension and fine received by Burress.[31] A Special Master in arbitration subsequently ruled that the Giants must deliver the entire $1 million to Burress, as per the collective bargaining agreement. "To think that a player could carry a loaded gun into a nightclub, shoot himself and miss the rest of the season but get to keep his entire signing bonus illustrates one of the serious flaws in the current system," said Giants co-owner John Mara in a statement afterward.[32]

On December 23, 2008, a search of Burress' New Jersey home by the Totowa, New Jersey Police, the New York Police Department and investigators from the Manhattan District Attorney turned up a 9 mm handgun, a rifle, ammunition and the clothing believed to have been worn by Burress on the night of his accidental shooting.[33] On June 12, 2009 Burress's attorney Benjamin Brafman announced that he had been unable to reach a sentencing agreement.[34]

Burress asked a Manhattan grand jury for sympathy during two hours of testimony on July 29, 2009.[35] On Monday, August 3, 2009, prosecutors announced that Burress had been indicted[36] by the grand jury on two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, and a single count of reckless endangerment in the second degree, both felonies.[37][38]

On August 20, 2009, Burress accepted a plea deal that would put him in prison for two years with an additional two years of supervised release.[36] His sentencing was held on September 22, 2009. Burress hired a prison consultant to advise him on what to expect while in prison.[39] In January 2010, Burress applied for and was denied a work release from prison.[40] On June 6, 2011, Burress was released from a protective custody unit of the Oneida Correctional Facility in Rome, New York.[41][42]

Let's say that Plaxico was playing for the Dallas Cowboys and this happened to him in a Dallas nightclub. Do you think he would have been arrested, yes no, maybe???  Do you think the mayor of Dallas would have stuck his nose in it?  Do you think Plaxico would have been arrested. Do you think that the Dallas police would have ransacked his house? Do you think he would have been thrown in jail for two years for this victimless crime? Would this have happened to Eli Manning or that Christard Tim Tebow? 

The Bible tells us that God hates Blacks more than Whites and is crueler to Blacks than he is to Whites. Did race play a role?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Prayer Cures the Sick NOT!

    Is any among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save him that is sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, it shall be forgiven him.   (James 5:14-15 )

(This passage is evil because people who believe it may not get proper medical treatment for their sick children.)

God does make people sick but he won't heal them.

The Affordable Care Act’s Lower-Than-Projected Premiums Will Save $190 Billion

The Affordable Care Act’s Lower-Than-Projected Premiums Will Save $190 Billion

Insure Central Texas
A volunteer counselor with Insure Central Texas uses a chart to help explain health insurance options, Tuesday, October 1, 2013, in Austin, Texas.
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The Affordable Care Act is already working: Intense price competition among health plans in the marketplaces for individuals has lowered premiums below projected levels. As a result of these lower premiums, the federal government will save about $190 billion over the next 10 years, according to our estimates. These savings will boost the health law’s amount of deficit reduction by 174 percent and represent about 40 percent of the health care savings proposed by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform—commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles commission—in 2010.
Moreover, we estimate that lower premiums will lower the number of uninsured even further, by an additional 700,000 people, even as the number of individuals who receive tax credits will decline because insurance is more affordable.

In short, the Affordable Care Act is working even better than expected, producing more coverage for much less money.

Marketplace plans and tax credits

Under the Affordable Care Act, marketplaces that offer health plans to individuals are now open in every state. The federal government is operating marketplaces in 36 states, and 14 states and the District of Columbia are operating their own marketplaces. Marketplace plans offer five levels of coverage—catastrophic, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum—ranging from less generous to more generous.

Individuals with family income from one to four times the federal poverty level (about $26,000 to $94,000 for a family of four)—and who are not eligible for other qualified coverage—are eligible for tax credits to help cover the cost of a plan. The tax credit caps the amount an individual must pay for the second-lowest-cost silver plan at a certain percentage of family income, ranging from 2 percent of income at the poverty level to 9.5 percent of income at four times the poverty level.

Price competition in the marketplaces

When the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, or CBO, projected premiums under the Affordable Care Act before its enactment, it theorized that increased competition would lower premiums in the individual market—but only slightly. In CBO’s view, marketplaces that organize the market—making it easier for consumers to compare choices—would encourage plans to keep premiums low to attract consumers.

CBO’s theory has turned out to be right in reality—only more so.
CBO’s projected premium levels In March 2012, CBO projected an average family premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan of $15,400 in 2016. This family premium is equivalent to an individual premium of $5,700 in 2016. CBO projected that private insurance premiums would increase by 5.5 percent per year from 2014 to 2016, so its estimate for 2014 would be lower by that amount. In addition, the Affordable Care Act covers the cost of high-risk enrollees through 2016, but it provides greater relief in 2014 than in 2016. This reinsurance will lower premiums by more in 2014 than in 2016. Taking the estimate of $5,700 in 2016, trending it backward by 5.5 percent per year, and accounting for greater reinsurance in 2014 yields an estimate of $4,700 in 2014.

In an analysis of plans offered in the marketplaces, the McKinsey Center for U.S. Health System Reform found that new entrants into the market make up 26 percent of all insurers. These new entrants are introducing competitive pressures into the individual market. The McKinsey analysis found that new entrants tend to price their plans lower than the median premiums in their market.
Moreover, in a preliminary analysis of plans offered in 18 areas, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that premiums are lower than CBO’s projected premiums in 15 of those areas.

In March 2012, CBO projected an average family premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan in 2016. This projection is equivalent to an average individual premium in 2014 of $4,700 (see sidebar). The actual average premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan in 2014 turned out to be $3,936—16 percent lower than projected.

Impact on costs and coverage

Premiums for the second-lowest-cost silver plan are important because tax credits for individuals are based on the cost of that plan. If premiums for that plan are lower, then the cost of tax credits will also be lower.

Consider a typical individual making $30,000 a year. That individual’s premium contribution would be capped at 8.37 percent of income, or $2,512. If the premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan is $4,700, then the tax credit would be the difference between this premium and the individual’s contribution, or $2,188. But if the premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan turns out to be only $3,936, then the tax credit would be $1,424.

We estimate that a 16 percent reduction in premiums will lower the total cost of tax credits by about 21 percent. As the example above illustrates, the percentage reduction in the tax credit will often be much greater than the percentage reduction in the premium. Because the amount that individuals pay is fixed at a percentage of income, a reduction in premiums will result in a proportionally larger reduction in government spending.

In its May 2013 baseline, CBO projected that the tax credits would cost $920 billion through 2023. But CBO made this projection before data on actual premium rates became available. A 16 percent reduction in premiums will lower this cost by about 21 percent, or about $190 billion.

Another result of the reduction in premiums is that more individuals will take up coverage because it is even more affordable. We estimate that a 16 percent reduction in premiums will lower the number of uninsured by an additional 2.8 percent. Because CBO had projected a decline in the number of uninsured of 25 million by 2023, this means that an additional 700,000 people will gain coverage. (See Methodology for more information on our estimates.)

$190 billion in context

When it was enacted, the Affordable Care Act was already fully paid for and projected to lower the federal budget deficit. In its most recent estimate, CBO projected that the law would lower the deficit by $109 billion over the next 10 years. Our estimated $190 billion in savings will increase that deficit reduction by 174 percent to almost $300 billion.

Recent long-term debt-reduction plans have proposed substantial health care savings in combination with additional tax revenue. The Simpson-Bowles commission, for example, proposed $487 billion in health care savings. And in the last “grand bargain” offer that President Barack Obama made to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) in December 2012, he proposed about $400 billion in health care savings.

Our estimated $190 billion in savings represents a sizable share of these proposals’ health care savings—about 40 percent of the Simpson-Bowles plan’s savings and almost half of the president’s proposed savings.


In the spring, CBO will update its baseline projection of the Affordable Care Act. When it does, the agency will take into account the actual experience of premium rates for plans offered in the marketplaces in 2014—which are significantly lower than projected. We estimate that the savings to the federal government will be about $190 billion over the next 10 years. This is an important early indication that the Affordable Care Act is working even better than expected to lower health care spending and federal deficits.

Topher Spiro is the Vice President for Health Policy at the Center for American Progress. Jonathan Gruber is professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


We used the Gruber Microsimulation Model, or GMSIM, to model the impact of a 16 percent reduction in premiums for plans in the individual market. Microsimulation modeling uses evidence from health economics studies to model how individuals and employers respond to changes in policy or the environment. The Congressional Budget Office uses the same type of modeling.
The GMSIM is designed to closely match CBO estimates that have been released to date. While our estimates are not guaranteed to exactly mimic what CBO would find for a comparable reduction in premiums, our findings should provide a reasonable approximation of CBO’s findings.