Saturday, July 27, 2013

The God Virus

The God Virus How Religion Infects Lives and Culture

Every day religion affects us in ways we may not realize. It makes your Uncle Ned spend hours praying for you; it gives your Baptist neighbor a reason to reject her own child who married a Catholic; it teaches your Pentecostal sister to spank her children to keep them from going to hell; it requires a Catholic priest to deny his sex drive; it causes people to give enormous amounts of money to religious organizations; and causes you to avoid talking to your cousin Jennie for fear she may try to convert you to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Religion has both obvious and subtle influences – on you and on society.

This FREE book explores the impact of religion on you and your world. It
draws open the curtain of mystery and offers ways to understand and make
informed decisions about religion.

This critically acclaimed book is also for sale on Amazon and its author Darrel W Ray, Ed.D deserves monetary compensation for such a well written and important book. If you own a copy of this book you can share it with others and hopefully doing so will help disinfect them.

The Royal Baby Bastard

Why is this blue blood royal baby bastart any more important than any other baby? I have nothing against the baby but it will grow up to be another fucking piece of shit like every member of the royal family with the possible exception of
Prince Harry who we all know does not have an ounce of royal blood in his veins.

Look at all the energy that has gone into celebrating the fact that Prince William stuck his dick into his wife Kate and got her knocked up and if Kate is anything like Princess Diana then William would be wise to get a paternity test.

The whore press was babbling about Princess Diana throwing herself down a flight of stairs while she was pregnant for William. They said that she was trying to commit suicide when in reality she was trying to induce an abortion.

The royal family eats ass but what is more sickening than the royal family is the adoration heaped on them by the idiots and ass fucks. If you are enamored with the British royal family - FUCK YOU IDIOT!

Friday, July 26, 2013

True Faith In God

If you think that religious leaders trust or even believe the God they tell you to worship, THINK AGAIN!

Here's their one true god.

It looks like the golden calf grew up.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lies Christians Tell

The following article is from Evil Bible:

Common lies Christians tell that are ABSOLUTELY FALSE!
    I deal with Christian lies on a daily basis.  These lies range from the myth that Einstein was a theist, to the claim that there is conclusive evidence for Jesus’ existence.  I had to make this page so that I could collect some common lies told and present the truth behind the matter.  There are hundreds of things I feel compelled to discuss but I shall limit it to a top five list. The top five lies Christian’s tell:
Darwin recanted on his deathbed. This is completely fabricated and has no foundation in truth whatsoever. A woman named “Lady Hope” spoke to a church group shortly after the death of Charles Darwin.  She claimed that she was at Darwin’s bedside on the day of his death.  She also claimed that Darwin recanted on evolution and accepted Jesus on his deathbed.  Her claims are not only unsupported, but are directly opposed by Darwin’s daughter, Henrietta.  Henrietta stated “I was present at his deathbed, Lady Hope was not present during his last illness, or any illness.  I believe he never even saw her, but in any case she had no influence over him in any department of thought or belief.  My father never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier.  I am upset that the U.S. Christians have fabricated this conversion nonsense.  The whole story has no foundation whatever.” February 23, 1922.
Evolution has been proven false (is only a theory).  Evolution can be divided into two parts, macro and micro.  Micro evolution is a fact, where as macro evolution remains a theory due to debates on the exact steps of the evolutionary process.  EVOLUTION DID HAPPEN we simply can’t trace the exact evolutionary steps of the of the 3 trillion plus species on earth.  Considering there is no way that we can even prove if we have located all the species on earth, this may always remain a theory.  We can prove though, beyond a doubt, that humans have evolved.  We can trace it back conclusively 3.6 million years.  97% of all scientists accept evolution (so does the Catholic Church).  Christians have spread lies about this excessively, they especially like to say evolution preaches that Humans evolved from monkeys.  Evolution does not state that humans evolved from monkeys, that idea is completely absurd.  Science states that monkeys and humans evolved from a shared forefather and are hence relatives, (all primates are) but we are in no way direct descendants of them.
Atheists have no morals.  All one has to do is take a look at the American prison system.  Nearly 76% of violent criminals are Christian and NO, most of these Christians did not convert after conviction, they were Christian at the time of the crime.  The greatest genocides in human history stemmed from the Christian faith.  If you examine secular societies in comparison to religious societies; secular societies will consistently have less crime, unemployment, corruption and more freedom, share of wealth and a higher standard of living.  Nearly EVERY single advancement towards morality (I.E: ceasing native genocide, freeing the slaves and women’s suffrage) was OPPOSED by the church and Christian organizations.

This United States is a country founded on Christianity.  This is the biggest sack of horse shit and only an EXTREME MORON would believe something this retarded. The VERY FIRST AMENDMENT of the constitution is based on the Separation of church and state.  The paramount reason why the forefathers came to this country was for religious freedom.  They listed it as their top goal in forming America.  Matter of fact most of the fore fathers weren’t even Christian, but deist, atheist and agnostic.  I could site thousands of quotes which piss on this lie from Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Paine, etc. but I shouldn’t need to, considering the reading of the constitution is a 4th grade curriculum requirement.

There are no atheists in foxholes.  I hear this one on a weekly basis and it never ceases to amuse/disgust me.  One third of the world’s population does not believe in a deity.  The largest concentration of free thinkers is found in Asia, which participated in each world war and have been feuding over territory with the surrounding regions for thousands of years (especially Japan and China).  My father is an atheist and served during the Berlin Crisis.  I am an atheist and though I wasn’t in a fox hole, I faced death while giving birth and I tell you that the thought about God NEVER crossed my mind when I heard my condition could be fatal.  I have had the privilege to meet hundreds of atheists who served in WW2 and Vietnam, each of whom sat in fox holes.  For more information about atheists in the military see the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers website.