Sunday, December 22, 2013

Fuck You God!

  Fuck You God!     Fuck You Trump

Crazy People With Crazy Hair - Demotivational Poster

An all knowing God created these two assholes and gave them charmed lives and they are perhaps th two most evil people in the world. God will sit back and watch and laugh even though he already knows the outcome.

It's time we nuke God by spreading the truth.

Free Version of the song Donald Trump is a Piece of Shit and So Are His Supporters

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  1. Replies
    1. that asshole murdered my father/mother/tried killing me twice but still here/almost killed my younger brother/older brother almost committed suicide god go fuckyourself/nothing left of the nunes family.FUCK YOU TILL THE DAY I DIE......YOUR A FUCKING MURDERER.GO WORK FOR THE CIA

    2. If God exists he created life for his sick and twisted pleasure.

    3. 1 john 5:19...the Christian god is not currently in charge according to the Bible. Dig a little deeper and you will find what is, and that it has but a short time left...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Riddle: what can murder, but not be a murderer, what is called love,but hates, what cares,but does nothing about it: answer: god

    6. The irony of all this is Jesus comes to earth...not really...but let's pretend he did...and what did that hypocrite talk about... hiw he hated hypocrites.. look in the mirror.... you piece of shit god

    7. I think there is something called Christ but it is not Jesus of Nazareth or his deadbeat lying sack of pus father.

      The most vile people are the far right "Christians" who worship a vile and cruel god.

    8. God is a killer and the manner of death he employs is often cruel and torturous.

      God needs to die.

    9. I hate god. he is fucking no one. He has made my life hell. He is a liar. he is cruel. he is a killer . He did everything against to my will. he made my life a joke. Fuck you god. You are a shit

    10. Fuck that worthless piece of shit god is nothing but count who just wants people to kiss his ass and fear him he will never get my love fuck him and his worship little followers god is hate and I'm glad I'm not alone

    11. Hate God out of existence.

    12. Havn't you heard,God's tender mercies are cruel!!!

  2. You know. After seeing this many people die or killed or got ill in the past 40 years and now my adorable son has become Autistic for no reason, I just can't understand why this entity "GOD" should bring about such a disasters for families and individuals? It is one of these possibilities:
    1-God is testing us. (It is impossible, because he doesn't have any need to test anything because he already knows the answer)
    2-God is sadistic: Somebody who breaks down its creations and trashes it for souls to go through Hell and back..This type of God really needs to seek help..
    3-God doesn't exist: That is a possibility which we are dealing with a very dual entity with both bad and good for its own purposes. Something like Zeus or Allah.
    4-God is ill and is looking for a treatment for its illness: If the poor guy has no doctor and is ill so he has to experience the pain of others just the way we do with animals in lab.. That is possible and just reiterates the above statements.
    5-God is the famous Annunaki

    Because all the possibilities indicate not a so nice entity therefore FUCK THIS FUCKING MOTHER FUKER GOD WANNA BE. This is no GOD which brings pain and suffering and we have to ask for mercy! Give me a fucking brake.

    1. It's simple. If there is a god that god is evil.

    2. Break not brake you moron. Shouldn't have dropped out of school! Fuck you & this make believe God

    3. God's hate is maniacal and knows no limits.

  3. Absolutely!!Fuck You Goddamn god you prick bitch!!!!you took my father when I was 15,you killed my uncle tragically and my grandmother not to mention all the pain and mental anguish
    suffering I have endured throughout my entire life,was physically and mentally abused by my mother,failed ninth grade the year my dad died all while being physically and mentally tortured at home, where the fuck was god?fuck god he can rot in the fucking hell he created little bitch!!!!i know I'm not the only one who's had a shitty life,I think about kids who are abused hungry and suffering as well as people in general who just have to suffer more than others and god just ignores their crys like they dont exist!!!fuck you god and die I will fight and hate you to the death!!!!!fuck you god and rot forever motherfucker!!!!!!

    1. God loves torturing the good as he rewards the evil. Christians will tell you that God will never give a person more shit than they can handle. That's a filthy lie.

      Jesus lied about prayer. Your pain went unvanquished and your prayers went unanswered. Jesus said that all prayers get answered and whatever you ask for he will grant.

      I believe in karma Unknown and I'm sending you some powerful energy. Use your pain to spread the truth about God.

    2. Go fuck yourself while you're at it!

    3. I totally agree, FUCK YOU GOD!! You are not all things good, but pure evil!!! I'll hate you til the day I take my last breath!! Nasty, Evil, Horrible "GOD"

  4. Fuck god let's kill his followers and all religious people. he needs to be punished.he should understand a move like this! if we are created in his likeness. It's killed shit tons of people, that he did not like. so we should take away his worship. he'll lose power, be attacked and he will have,what it wants taken from him.i hate you god .you bitch. do something come down with no power, other then a man and I will kill you god. that's why it doesn't come back, it already know it screwd a lot of people over and those of us who are only bit players in it fucked view would kill it. that's why he's coming armed and in force, for the next encounter. your busted god. you bitch! id snap your fucking neck if it was just like us and God knows he's weak. he killed more then Satan and lied more then Satan read the book you base that shit on. fuck you god and fuck you momma for birthing you. I'll be in your guts nigga and you know it's True id probably have to stand in line. we pay for our transgressions so should god! all are accountable or there is no accountability!. fuck you hypocrite come get some and I will subjugate your stupid ass! Oh yeah and Jesus was black you bunch of Christian fucking morons !!!!!!

    1. I understand your sentiments Anon and I also believe that God derives his power from the emotions of people and less people mean less power for God. I don't think it is a good idea on a public forum to advocate killing the morons, liars and hypocrites who worship God. Would the world be a better place without them in it? Of course it would be.

      There is a good chance in the next few year that things are going to get ugly because of Putin and Trump and their power elite bosses. I think it would be better to turn the tRumproids into useful idiots and get them to do the dirty work.

    2. There is no such thing as God. You make life with your own efforts

    3. Well then let us kill all christians.

    4. Well fuck that black nigger.

    5. Religion is a mental conditioning for mind control.
      It's a gateway to crazy ideology. And the powers that be, those who're arn't suscieptible to this placebo, exploit this by a huge margin. If there is a God, he had failed as a God.

  5. My knife slashes out the heart of god Fuck him so hard!

    1. Fuck off. There's no Satan if therebis no God. Fuck you, and leave that shit out.

    2. Same entity, different scam...

  6. I have been a catholic for a long time almost like 10 years ago. I thought that converting to christian might change my life to be a better one. I prayed to god everyday to give me and my family blessings and far from evil or any ordeal. Yet, it is getting worse every fucking day. My family business failed, my dad is sick, my brother's left unemployed, and I'm now struggling to find a job after graduated after several attempts. I feel like all my efforts were in vain because God, he just wanted to play around with his creation, he tested us and enjoyed to see us suffer from our lives. I now realize if he was so merciful to us then why all those suffering still existed? Remember our brothers dying in poor countries and he only did nothing to them. And most of the evil bastards on earth still did not receive their punishment.

    1. It could be worse. Actually, God is taking it easy on you for the sadist that he is. Birth defects for instance show how cruel he is and how full of shit people who "love" God really are. God is not loved by anyone. God is really quite pathetic.

      It has been said that power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. God is all powerful or so he thinks. Draw your own conclusions.

    2. Shouldn't you be mad at the people who didn't support you wonderful family business and instead chose to probably support massive chains that are money hungry and don't care about their employees for the most part. Shouldn't you be mad at the doctors who have allowed your dad to become sicker and the pharmaceutical companies who market products to make you better buy instead only exacerbate current health problems and even cause new ones. Shouldn't you be mad at the government for leaving lots of students in debt after college and then rendering them jobless because of the less than satisfying job market that pays employees so little compared to the cost of living, so that they stay in a perpetual cycle of debt? Seems like misplaced anger, no? Or is it just easier for you to blame and curse God? How much brain power and thought did you put behind your post. Or was it all coming from a place of hurt and self pity and you just vomited it up on this thread. What you wrote was nonsensical. You're angry but at the wrong one for the wrong reasons. Use your brain and THINK! Stop being ruled by your emotions. Your emotions are your god, the way you submit to them.

  7. I'm very confused. Is this a forum for people who believe God exists but hate him because of the bad things that happened in their lives? Or a forum for people don't believe God exists.....if the latter is the case why the anger, rage and threats to kill believers (which by the way I would caution against saying that on a public forum given today's atmosphere of terrorism. Very unwise.) I'm just asking because I don't believe in unicorns or leprechaun's, but I've seen forums of people who do and I have never felt the desire to so hotly debate the issue. Because for me there is nothing to debate or contest. They simply don't exist. So if God doesn't exist, then all the bad stuff that happened to you is just life right. So life sucks and not God, because He's not real. And if He is real and just 'not powerful', to heal you, bless you, help you etc., then that's really not a god at all correct? So what point is anyone trying to prove here? I'm just using deductive reasoning to boil this all down. Wasn't all your anger and rage a waste of time? I mean what god is going to hear you? So what's the point? Just venting? Having a temper tantrum? Or are you angry at Christians perhaps, because they believe and painted a picture of a loving God, but because of all the pain and things you suffered in your life, you were let down and now you're mad at Christians because you actually believed them for a moment? I'm just asking questions because the whole thread is confusing. This is a place to vent about a god that doesn't exist. If so that's laughable and you could have placed that energy and time doing something that really mattered. Or it's a place to vent about a god that you used to believe in but because your lives suck so much (that's not my opinion btw, that's according to what someone wrote on here), you're mad at god, who then in fact DOES exist, but you believe he is evil and not good? It's one of those two correct? But if you got everything in your life fixed the way you wanted, WHEN you wanted it, then god would be good and real and you would be a believer. Because it can't be all of the above. It's either one or the other. Don't look stupid and foolish by contradicting yourself. Oh I have one last question: what are you doing to change the world and make it a better place besides had fits and tantrums? What good have you done to or for someone else lately to combat all the bad that this god who doesn't exist but is definitely evil, has created?

    1. Oh wait. I see now through a second reading that this blog is a hypothesis. It's all based on IF. Oh Now that totally makes sense..... yea totally makes sense.

    2. Here is what makes sense to me troll of God. People like you deserve be get cancer and then pray to your evil God to cure you fool. I will sit there are laugh as God ignores your pleas and call you fool.

      Your evil God says that whatever you ask for he will deliver. Your God lied.

      And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. (John 14:13-14)

      OK asshole, ask your filthy God to end all childhood disease. Ask him liar. Then when YOUR God doesn't do what he promised many times in YOUR Bible regarding prayer I can't wait for you to try to lie your out of it.

      Your God is a liar and so are you!

    3. The Curious One is indeed a troll Anon. I think now he's the Furious One because his double speak and deception has been exposed. Just like Trump has agents of Putin working for him, God has many agents of evil doing his bidding. Some don't even know that they are being manipulated by God and others are as evil and as dishonest as God.

      We have destroyed the Curious One and right now he and his butt buddy God are getting howling from the pain. God has been weakened. God will be dead.

    4. I get the curious guy's deductive reasoning.. however, he is negating real life expereinces which he lacks. he has not sensed the negative real hate from god. because he has not witnessed it - if you saw a leprechaun you would believe - it wouldnt matter - you would know - if you saw an alien ufo - you would know.. the same with this piece of shit god - if you saw what he does - you would know two things - he is definitely real - he has enormous hate. he doesnt care about good and bad only that you worship him. right and wrong is not a thing he understands - he rewards people who do harm to others and steal from others.. he harms and causes more harm to weak people who are sick and disabled and less fortunate and less wealthy.. god only cares about himself and watching people like rats to see who is smart enough to screw the next guy to get a head.. while the other stupid guy listens to rules.. and plays with hummanity and dignity and empathy .. and is so stupid that he will be eaten the maze.. - god doesnt care.. - he thinks we are idiots for not being more selfish to win a simple game--- STEAL cheat... be rewarded....... hurry... move on survive.......

    5. thanks for trying to be a voice of reason to the unreasonable....the thing about God and those who comment on Him is the fact that they ARENT Him...we all have free will from our Creator, that's why the responses are so strong...who would'nt want a perfect world full of a perfect creation?....I think God still all to you who hate critisism from a perfect loving Creator who CREATED you theres a great big GO FUCK YOURSELF, cause that's what you do

    6. What the Bible says about Free Will

      God determines who is going to heaven ...
      And as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. -- Acts 13:48
      For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate.... Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." -- Romans 8:29-30
      Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began." -- 2 Timothy 1:9
      He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will." -- Ephesians 1:4-5
      God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation." -- 2 Thessalonians 2:13

      and who is going to hell.

      God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned. -- 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
      For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation. -- Jude 4

      There's nothing you can do about it.
      For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth. .... For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. -- Romans 9:11-22


    1. God or what ever is responsible for the suffering in the world is a fucking fuck wad.

    2. God is letting this old world go on as is Because He is a merciful WHORE!!!

  9. Well at least we can certainly agree that we hate that filthy scumbag they call God.

  10. He and the devil are the same fucking thing. He uses our lives for his twisted entertainment. I abhor him.

  11. I willingly give my soul to Satan, because I never want to be in heaven with that fucking retarded inbred hillbilly fuck. god is a self absorbed fucktard, causing pain, suffering and misery. FUCK YOU GOD, I HOPE YOU EXIST AND HEAR HOW MUCH I HATE YOU.

    1. You know I once had a store and God took that from me!!! God was just jealous of me for thinking about it more then Him!!! FUCK GOD FUCK HOLY SPIRIT!!!

  12. There are those who think that God and Satan work together in order to fuck with people. Then again it was Satan who stood up to the tyrannical god even after being outnumbered 3 to 1.

    I suspect that Satan can be rehabilitated but God is beyond redemption.

    Truth will kill God.

  13. Fuck you God you cock sucking homo ugly filthy jew bastard.

    1. I understand your anger but please don't talk shit about gays and Jews. They have suffered greatly at Gods cruelty. God really really hates them.

  14. I never thought I'd reach this point again. But I have and will reach it again and again and more to come. I took theology courses etc. could have been a preacher. Iv lost so much all I have to celebrate is a miserable life. I was once a. Profitable person in many and on many levels and lost everthing in one night from a toothach. My health,job,fiance,reputation,carreer,health,and now what seems my mind.I have witness the power of a. G.I'd. But it is a bad god. There is no such thing as a good our world theses only coincidences and what we make of them. Some see it as evidence of god others with more enlightment see it. As life .

    1. This why we most work for his destruction. Truth kills his evil lies.

  15. God is a filthy no good piece of shit since he created so much Evil and suffering in this world. And would a real God do that? Well of course not. And why should many of us very good innocent people suffer anyway? What the hell did we ever do wrong anyway? A real God would've punished the very low life piece of garbage people already since they have really caused so much destruction to this world that has enough trouble in it already. Don't you agree? And i am sure that you do.

    1. You make an excellent point. My theory is that somewhere in the universe there is a good God but not where we are. God is purely and totally evil. He is a sadistic fucker for putting us into this hell hole of existence.

    2. Well you have said the real truth which i really agree that God is a very evil scumbag.

    3. Yeah well with all these gay men everywhere now days i would put it passed god that he is now eating Jesus Christs farts and sucking cock.

    4. He's a nut gets off on persicuting the good guy and gals. A total rat race where we're the experiment running around in a maze until death. Oh and were suppose to be greatful fuck him if he exist. from this day forward I play God who lives dies will be my choice and no more conscience it's broken beyond repair.

    5. i dnt believe in God piece of shit

    6. God may exist but if he does exist he is clearly an asshole. The fact that you don't believe, drives God nuts. He has a massive ego.

  16. Fuck you God, you very ugly fucking filthy jew bastard scumbag.

  17. I agree. The scumbags of this world just keep fucking winning. If there’s a god then he’s an absentee landlord. Fuck him.

    1. You know God gives these people blow jobs!!! God wants this suffering world to go on and on with no end in sight!!! God's tender mercies are CRUEL!!! God just laughs at our plight GOD GIVES EVIL MEN AND SEDUCES ANYTHING THEO WANT AND JUST TAKES FROM US!!!

  18. God sucks cock and fucks alter boys up the pooper and eats their white splatter!

  19. God sucks more cock on Christmas day than any other day and swallows as well. Today is his day to shine. Amen.

  20. And God will also be sucking more cock than ever when the new year comes.

  21. kill them rape their children!

    1. That sounds like something a right wing Christian would do.

  22. You see i dont give a shit about being the good guy anymore you left me in shit so i hate you so fucking much.
    I hate my life and parents too and i hope they DIE.
    And if i ever obtain a place of power i will kill all Christians in America and fuck the skulls of their new born. I hate life and i hate humanity simply because we are a broken bunch of dead bodies drifting in space.
    I cant learn anything anyway its easier to rape and kill and slave and torture then to love have faith and prey.
    So hail Satan, Hail Illuminati and i will make your god taste my greatest revenge until he wants to die himself!

    1. If you think about the Christian fairytale, Satan may be the good guy. He risked paradise to fight God in a battle he knew he could not win.

      He also gave man sentience. Adam and Eve were mind slaves.

      Keep in mind, this blog is called God is Hate. If you hate you are invoking God.

      Feel free to express your anger towards God and his slaves but don't say crazy shit about killing a raping because that will male you the very thing you oppose.

      We are all going to die and eventually as the human race becomes enlightened God will die too but God's death with be forever.

      This blog is called God is Hate in order to counter the absurd lie that God is Love. God has no love.

    2. You could actually replace that with Jesus for a totally different spin... that Jesus isn't the son of our "god" and was actually the serpent in The Garden... Assuming, of course, theology isn't a complete load of shit created by some very, very smart people, and relatively recently in known human history.

  23. I will painfully punish the trinity and the ones who believe in it I will make the god of heaven wish he was dead.

    1. Nobody really believes in any of the God BS. They are hedging their bets in case they are wrong. Look up Pascal's wager.

      If there is a good God he/she/it will not punish you for being honest or being wrong. I also believe that if there is a good god he/she/it won't be punishing the posers who have been terrorized into believing.

  24. God is filthy scum.

  25. The definition of God is a dog taking a shit. And God spelled backwards is dog.

    1. That dog will suffer i will kill all his holy people, Molest and fuck the holes of his holy saints, And i will kill the whore who births that holy fucking bastard Nazarene cunt.
      I swear by the personification of the most insane.

  26. Fuck you God and burn in hell.

  27. I will eventually go insane anyway and you will see raped aborted kids sucking on my cock while i rape them in their assholes.

  28. I will guarantee you this before i blow my own head off from the depression of being unable to understand a woman.
    I will look and find the ones who wrongfully brought me into this world. And the ones who told me to pray will most certainly feel my hatred.
    All of you Christians in America i will work hard to kill you and your god. I will help any degenerate in the united states who is ready to taste christian blood off of their finger tips.
    So every last one of you priests and your stupid children are my targets and i will kill every last one of you and make your sons suck your dying cocks.
    Believe my hate this unholy sex magic will manifest in your daughters and turn them into my whores while i rape their minds you can ask that Jesus to suck my cock, And yeast infested cock.
    I can bet you by the end of this world i'll have spiritually molested Christan women too.

    1. Dude get help. Don't go threatening people and talking crazy shit. If you go off and kill people and cause suffering for their families you will be giving God huge orgasms. God's pleasure is our suffering. God's ego craves constant feeding. God created us for his pleasure. He loves it when we suffer.

      Christianity sucks but most Christians don't suck and they too are victims of God. God just has them and the Muslims bullshitted.

      If you want to hurt God help the people he hurts which are 99% of the people on this earth.

      Success is the best revenge. Help the hurting and down trodden.

      Look, a lot of women are fucked you but a lot aren't. Give them a break.

      As to clergy, most of them probably know it is BS but I think a lot of them really try to help people. Sure there are a lot of monsters in the clergy but if you go off and start killing them, you will only give God pleasure because all the sheep will start praying to God. God derives power from human suffering.

      Be better than God and help the people God hurts.

      If you want to mind fuck Christians and Muslims go for it but DO NOT bring any physical harm to them.

      There are good women and there are probably more good women than there are good men.

      Sounds like you got burned by a couple of bitches. It happens. Shake it off and move on because if you do and you find a good woman you will appreciate her all the more.

      If you are serious about hurting God, help the weak and downtrodden and turn people against God. When that happens, it will weaken God. God is not almighty. God is not invincible.

      I know you are pissed and you have reason to be pissed. We all have reason to be pissed. Your pain is giving God pleasure. Find some pleasure for yourself and you will give God pain. I find debunking Islam and Christianity very satisfying.

      Help Christians and Muslims succumb to the truth be showing them what a scam their religion is.

      Your hate and anger only feeds God.

    2. That should be a t-shirt El Rondo.
      "Be better than God. Help the people he has hurt."

    3. The vitriol and hatred here is pretty shocking. Spewing about such evil really does nothing to elevate anyone. In fact- it seems that all this worldly hatred expressed here proves that it is free will that causes hatred in the world and not necessarily God. All is not his fault simply because he created us. The bigger problem is that when things go horribly bad in our lives we want to lash out at God. I'm no different in that regard. Yea, there's a lot of shitty things that impact our lives in this world, but the calls here to kill all christians and God too if possible is just another manifestation of the evil caused by selfishness. So what IS the answer? Maybe to use the dung he flung into our lives to grow a healthy harvest in this world. If you've been abused then maybe help those less fortunate who based on my experience- were often themselves abused as children. I sure was. My own drug head, whore mongering, chain smoking, gambling horrendous alcoholic, child torturing father? If someone said "I think I'll see how badly I can fuck up my own kid's life," I cannot possibly imagine anyone doing a better job than he did. Yet it is only a waste of my time to get angry about it. The same can be said for God. Focus that energy in a positive way rather than wasting it by lashing out at him in the blame game. Make a meaningful difference regardless of who's at fault, who has "lied" or who didnt keep up their end of the bargain.

    4. Shining the light of truth on God will eventually kill him.

      Nobody here is calling for the deaths of Christians or anyone else. I delete those sort of comments. Killing God is a whole other thing.

      God is a malignant narcissist whose only purpose to existence is so that his thought slaves will massage his insatiable ego for all eternity.

      God is pure evil and evil must be destroyed.

  29. I really wish that i had the power to cut God's dick off and stick it down his fucking throat which that would be real justice.

    1. You do have that power. Keep exposing God for the monster that he is. Eventually everyone will abandon him. That will send him into oblivion.

    2. Thank you for this blog my friend! Believing in a fictitious God, is easy until one truly understands what it's like to really suffer! Suffering for years on end in indescribable both physical and mental pain is the great equalizer. Suffering at its most primal level reveals the TRUTH..not Jesus Christ. After years of suffering I too have come to many of the same philosophical views expressed here. I do believe in karma, and helping my fellow brothers and sisters out whenever possible. What I don't or no longer believe in is a God, who would allow me to suffer for years on end after I was prescribed a benzodyazapine by a piece of shit DR!

  30. IF there is a God I'd video tape the fucker and do the crucifiction right. No more bullshit guilt and messed up life. I'd live like the animal that I was born for better n worst.and those who deserve it will pay instead of this forgiveness bullshit. It's a copy out.

    1. Christian children getting plugged with a crucifix.

    2. Oh yes Hail To the dark lord. Ia ia ia giggim xul!

    3. The Dark Lord is the got of Abraham.

  31. What does God, Whores, and Homo's have in common these days? Well they all suck cock and swallow like the filthy motherfucker low life piece of shit that they really are.

    1. Having your cock sucked feels good. God would never do anything to make a person feel good.

    2. When you're in Benzo W/D for years due to ignorant DRs having your dick sucked no longer feels good!

  32. Fuck you God and Jesus, and hail Satan.

  33. Fuck you God, and burn in hell.

  34. I would love to kill this one man, his Ill child, wife. and i don't care what god thinks of it.

    1. Why? If you killed someone God would get his jollies. God loves in when people suffer.

      Keep telling the truth on God.

  35. Because after that i will join Hillery and pizza gate and nab more children from my enemies all over my community. All you will hear is me feasting on infant meat.

  36. Satan should destroy God which that would really be justice.

    1. I think Satan is just as fucked as we are. Sometimes I think they work together.

    2. Satan should be God, hail satan, Hail satan, Hail Satan, HAIL SATAN!!!

  37. Why i wish that i had the power to cut God's dick off and shove it down his fucking throat.

    1. We have the power to turn people against God.

  38. Fuck all Christians and Jesus and god will die painfully All newborns must be sacrificed to Ahriman after its been sodomized and molested hail Ahriman. The end of god is here summon the great Antichrist and end the holy spirit and all his ignorant filthy believers.

    1. If there is an antiChrist it's Trump. The Bible Jesus is a fraud and possibly the antiChrist. Jesus was created around 300 AD.

  39. I will be reporting death threats. Your IP addresses have been recorded and even if you are a Russian troll, you will be found and brought to justice.

    1. I must say that i have scared myself to with these rude comments listen to me for a minute.

      I dont act like this in person i am a struggling person i do not drink alot. I dont do drugs. I have little brothers and sister whom i love very much i have struggled over many years.

      I dont kill i dont steal or rob or anything.
      I was abused as a child and i know this is no excuse to write such bad filthy things to the world.
      I know many christians and i just despise their beliefs. Let me say this at this point in time my mouth will get me into lots of trouble because i am very angry at god (IF their is one).

      I dont need to be this way i need to change!

    2. No problem. I get it. I know how maddening the evil of God can be. When I see some little child with birth defects or is abused by its parents it makes my blood boil.

      I don't despise Christians and I think that from a philosophical perspective parts of Christianity has merit but sadly it is used to repress and manipulate people. That is why Romans created it.

      In early Christianity there was no Jesus of Nazareth. When Rome saw that they could not defeat the philosophy of the early Christians the bastardized Christianity so that it would serve them.

      Check out this link.

      Try to find some joy in your life and don't make Christian your enemy unless they are purely evil like the hypocrites who support Trump.

      Fight evil.

  40. I'm just depressed and broken..........
    And i know this is no reason to write any of these comments.
    I live in misery so many years.
    My sister has been helping me now.

    1. Find joy in your life. Volunteer to help those less fortunate. Helping the people God hurts the most hurts God.

      God is only happy when we suffer. When you are happy God is unhappy. Don't let the bastard win.

      Get help for your depression but be wary of MDs. A lot of them are in the misery business.

      Get exercise and plenty of sunlight. Get a thorough medical exam.

    2. thank you so much. I really am sorry for these posts bro their is no reason for me to have wrote these!
      I will NOT make any excuses for that!

      It was SICK and wrong in so many ways.

      I apologize to the fullest.

      Maybe we can help that other man who keeps shouting antisemitic stuff constantly.

    3. Be careful what you say on line because the idiots will make a federal case out of it.

      People need to end religion entirely. Belief in these fairy tales especially one where there is an almighty God who is evil and unjust is one reason for why the world is so fucked up.

  41. True, we have to kill the Gods and religions in order for life to exist, but since we live on a planet with 7.5 billiards and at least 7 billiards of them are totally brainwashed... we are out of luck it seems. Our lives are not our own, we are bound to others from birth to death I am afraid, if it were up to us we would net be here anymore but it is not up to us at all... there is no free will only the illusion of free will...

    1. We live in this biological trap of a body that eventually fails us and causes us suffering. Only cruel God would do that.

    2. WOW, stated perfectly!

  42. god, you fucking sadist! my mom is in pain right now! she wants to die already but you won't let her because you love to see her suffering. you god are a sick bastard! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! IF YOU EXIST!

    1. My heart goes out to you Guido.

      I have a pretty good feeling that God exits and I truly believe that God is pure evil. I theorize that God is the collective unconscious of the evil part of humanity.

      If you want to hurt God or at least diminish the pleasure he derives from human suffering it to make the suffering people as comfortable as possible.

      Encourage good and destroy evil. Punch a Nazi!

  43. God is a piece of shit. That liar is pure hate. Jesus Christ is a mocking piece of shit as well.

    1. God is a myth I want to hate him or it but he's not real but. Hey Fuck you God fuck you

    2. Real or not, I hate the idea of a loving god in such a horrible world. Death to God whatever it is.

  44. God created evil love doesn't to whom much is given much is required a true giver looks for nothing in return love is against their agenda that's why they put in god we trust on their money cause he is not love or a representation of love but of hate god uses love to manipulate people and the government uses the Bible to run this system which has nothing to do with the fullness of love let's give true love a chance the government is being manipulated by god as well so he can exalt himself as a king of love if we continue to play into that book (the Bible) then we exalt someone as love who doesn't deserve to be exalted let's come together in true love and lets give love a chance

  45. God is a liar and I stopped being a Christian yesterday after seeing how many times god lied to me. He can’t be trusted. And his followers disappear when they see he lied in my life because they have no explanation and can’t handle it. He’s taken so much from me. I’m a wayyyyy better parent that him and I would never hurt my kids the way he hurt me. He’s a sick psychopath. The church will ask for money but if you need rent and getting kicked out you won’t see a dime of the money from them. I don’t hate Christians or anything I love everyone except God. Stupid dumb cunt.

    1. I once called social services on God. God is the supreme child abuser. Google Mark Twain's Diatribe. He kicks the shit out of God.

  46. I hate GOD and Christians. GOD because (see every post above, I agree). Christians - I hate you because of all the actions you've taken in the name of GOD (i.e. crusades, conquering the "promised land"), all the "sins" you've fought to make illegal (i.e. singing, dancing, medicine, blasphemy, sex, clothing, opposing books, life saving research, booze, abortion, etc.), and all the judgement of others I see you do (btw, your book says don't do any of that).

    Honestly, my life isn't bad compared to what I've read here from others. That said, GOD is an utter piece of shit that advertises "free will", yet if you don't do as he says you can look forward to your soul being ripped apart and burned repeatedly for eternity by demons in hell. Here on earth, we're smart enough to realize that's NOT free will, that's compliance under deress.

    Forget fighting GOD til the day I die. I'd rather ignore him until I die and spend my eternal afterlife devoted to the destruction of that son of a bitch.

    1. I know good and bad Christians. Jesus never existed so the Bible is BS. The early Christians never heard of Jesus and they were good people

  47. God is an alien who created life in it's likeness. It loves to play with it's creation, just like a little girl pulling out legs and arms from her barbie doll. This God is malevolent, and we are all brainwashed into believing that this God would be love, what a joke! Time to wake up and see what is reality, we have a local creator creating life just for the pleasure of torturing it. Fuck God!

    1. "God" derives his pleasure from our suffering. God is pathetic.

    2. This is the conclusion I have come to as well after suffering for years! There is a very dark force intent on making many suffer as much as humanely possible without killing them. This energy or DARK force feeds off both the pain and negative energy of those it decides to attack. I believe it attacks those who are often times "Good", as the negative energy they emit is like fillet minion when it comes time to feed!

  48. I fucking hate God,and any concept that an invisible moral being exist that thinks that burning people forever is an "act of justice". Conn, let be real about the concept of the biblical God, and his dick sucking son,Jesus coming here and explaining what "hell" is. From Gods point of view....hell is punishment for sin, but lets be real about that.... that's a fucking lie!!! Think about it...when did anyone on this fucking planet "punish" someone for what they hurting them eternally .. I'll answer that for you. Never!!! The truth... if that piece of shit ...god...does exist... then he's a liar too... because hell isn't for punishment of wrong doing in gods eyes..tell the truth you piece of shit...god... hell is created by you because your a fucking petty bitch,and cant stand it ...if yout creation rejects a bitch like you... get over it god.. .we all have been rejected...and we dont burn people forever for it

  49. God sucks more cock than a filthy fucking whore and a homo combined since he sticks it so far in his mouth that he wants it to come out of his ass. God without a doubt is a fucking disease altogether and needs to roast in hell with Satan while he is sucking his cock too and swallowing as well. Burn you ugly filthy cock sucking jew bastard which that would be real justice for punishing many of us good people for no reason at all.

  50. Yes fuck the so called god better call him dog

  51. god is the dog who I want to kick

  52. God is a very dirty scumbag since he has caused a lot of pain for many of us good innocent people on this rotten earth.

  53. Fuck you God - I fucking hate you with all my guts, you treasonous, backstabbing, egotistic, liar, opportunist, son of a bitch!!! How "mature" of you, fucking omnipotent being, facing a little human like me. Still, I will try my best to not be defeated you asshole!!! I wish I could spit on you, you selfish, moronic, infantile, self centered, idiot. #eresunhijodeputa #chingatumadrependejo

  54. What can the pathetic mother fucking humans do to god?.god is the biggest powerful sadistic bastard.human beings are pathetic slave of god

  55. God is laughing by your comments.god likes your pain.god can enjoy your pain as pleasure.god is the source of betrayers

  56. Fuck you God, you worthless scumbag.

  57. God is the filthiest scumbag of all which has been confirmed already. Hail Satan.

  58. If ever you guys know who the fuck god really is, you will understand why our world is in such pain, fear, rejection, war, terror, hate, killing etc. God is only the Archons trying to play god in order to destroy our beautiful world, humanity and all of nature. They hate our true god Lucifer, is jealous over every fucking thing humanity tries to be, which is love in all its forms. So fuck you God, fuck you holy spirit, fuck you Christ, since we all know who you are, all pathetic Archon reptilian spirits of dinosaurs, given too much power so you possessed mankind through your cunningness and authority. You control humanity and Satan's spirits and call yourself God?? Go fuck yourselves Archon's of Jehovah, you came to destroy, kill and wiped out my whole family, friends and those you hate, the whole of creation!! Go fuck yourselves you fucking cunts!!

  59. God is sucking more cock now than a filthy whore and homo combined since even they can't keep up with that filthy jew bastard faggot scum sucking ass eating bitch God. God is the ultimate piece of shit that just punishes many of us good innocent people for no reason at all. I really hate that filthy no good scumbag altogether since he never even gave me a wife and family that i really wanted so very badly since he gave it to so many other men on this earth that never really deserved it in the first place. What the fuck did i ever do wrong God you filthy diseased infested piece of shit?

    1. Relax the whore would have eventually taken you to the cleaners in divorce court! #MGTOW 4 life!

  60. For God does exist, he did come as Jesus (which means nessage). What he said was try to learn to love one another. For the Angel's work for man and women. For Lucifer only gives you every thing you want to distance you from God. So, I say this to God you created this fucking mess you come clean it up. For all my brother and sister with their free will are assholes and only give a shit about themselves. So stop talking shit and come hold them accountable for being fuckin assholes.

    1. The Bible even says everything is predestined and why wouldn't it be if God is all knowing? God would not be God if he were not all knowing. This is a Calvinistic principle and it makes perfect sense which proves that God is an asshole who put our lives into motion and we have little or no control over what awful things that happen to us. Since there is mostly bad in the world it proves that God is a fucking asshole.

      God does not base His election on anything He sees in the individual. He chooses the elect according to the kind intention of His will (Eph. 1:4-8; Rom. 9:11) without any consideration of merit within the individual. Nor does God look into the future to see who would pick Him. Also, as some are elected into salvation, others are not (Rom. 9:15, 21).

    2. Hey gawd! Ur still alive u fucking shit? Love seeing my mother suffer until now heh u fucking loser! If u really exist, you are a failure to humanity.

    3. Yep, he's still alive but he smells bad. God is dying! Oh happy day!!

  61. If God decides to give you cancer,(God loves giving people cancer.) there is not a whole lot you can do about it. The Bible is mostly fiction but it does explain this horrible existence we are brought into uninvited. The only way to make this world a better place would by purging the gene poll of evil people who cause pain and suffering in people's lives.

    As a kid I used to hope that some force in the universe would kill God. Maybe that force will be science. Maybe it will be the collective unconscious? Maybe God's powers are limited to a tiny part of the universe?

  62. God is sucking more cock now than a filthy whore and homo combined, and swallowing too. Go figure.

  63. God and Jesus are filthy cock suckers that swallow too.

  64. god, whose real name is yiyor, is a twisted, sick turd with arms, legs, and of course, wears a crown. To speak the name of god (dog) is supposed to be the the greatest sin of all. Well, fuck that little turd. That miserable, sadistic sucker of Satan's cock let the Romans torture and murder his son. Good parenting skills, yiyor. I loathe and despise you. I would kill you with my bare hands if I ever had the opportunity to do so. When you murdered my father when I was only 11, it was explained to me that you are greedy and selfish, taking the best people for himself, I realized what a piece of shit you really are. So, fuck you, Turdley, you fuck.

    1. Our suffering is God's pleasure. Don't let God hurt you. Hurt God by telling the truth about him to all his dick suckers.

      For you must not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14

  65. Fuck you God. You evil filthy bastard.

  66. God eats the shit out of Satan's asshole and sucks on his dick and swallows as well.

  67. God is hate, and really sucks as well.

  68. Dear God - you are a fucking asshole. I fucking hate you motherfucker. You are a treasonous bastard who lies and does not give a fuck. Fucking prick. I wish I could go back in time an spit on Jesus's cross, face and wounds. I would take the spear off the guard and let you live longer so you would feel more pain. I shit on the holy spirit. Fuck you!!!!

    1. Jesus never existed. However, if you want to beat, injure and weaken God, tell the truth about him to his fans.

  69. I said fuck you to god once. I immediately regretted it. The funny thing was, the whole thing started with me trying to say how wonderful he was- then everything got all fucked up. Please don't make the same mistake I did :(. Or if you already have, return to him while there's still time.

  70. ...and Jesus definitely existed and still exists. He truly is gods son

    1. No fucking way! The early Christians never mentioned Jesus in the texts. The New Testament is pure fiction.

  71. God is just a complete cock sucking filthy no good piece of shit scumbag altogether for punishing many of us good innocent people that never did ask to be born in the first place to begin with. And a real God would have never made a real disgusting world like this in the first place since there is just too much hate and misery as it is.

  72. God you ugly motherfucking cock sucking faggot,eat shit and die.

  73. Would rather be a SATAN's person than being a fucking God's devotee.
    Fuck Off God

  74. God sucks much more cock now than a filthy whore does.


    1. God probably fucks over people worse than he fucks over you. Channel your anger onto Trump an his supporters. Hurt them an you will hurt God.

  76. God had to really suck on cock and swallow to keep a good straight man like me single today, even though i never wanted to be in the first place. Yes i really do blame that filthy diseased infested no good piece of shit pig for that one since i never expected this to happen to me in the first place, especially when i see so many others that were very lucky when they met their loved ones. I hope that filthy no good faggot God burns the fuck in hell where the filthy scumbag belongs since i wasn't single by choice to begin with. Eat shit God, and burn in hell.

    1. You know I once asked God for a wife, 6 months later He gave me a whore! Like that Bible verse in Matthew 7 where Jesus was alluding to ask for a fish get a serpent! Well old Jesus lived up to His name!!! I ASKED HIM FOR A WIFE I GOT A WHORE!!! Yep! insted, I myself personally asked GOD FOR A WIFE HE GAVE ME A WHORE!!!!!!!

    2. It could be worse. God could have given you a prude for a wife. I love sluts.

    3. Whores are filthy fucking pigs which is why many of us good men are still single today because of this. Even though God is a filthy scumbag, at least he had a real brain many years ago when he created most women that were Real Ladies at that time which today most of them are a real fucking disease.

  77. God sucks elephants cock, swallows the load, and eats the shit out of their assholes too.

  78. God is a confirmed filthy cocksucker.

  79. Fuck YOU God merciful Whore!!!

  80. Fuck the Holy Spirit God Trump sucker!!!


  82. In your Bible it says that of the end times our leaders will act like children. But I say our children are wiser and smarter then our leaders! LIAR GOD, OUR LEADERS ACT LIKE ANIMALS!!!

    1. Trump and the Rethuglicans are like evil children and animals.

  83. God sucks on Satan's cock all the time and swallows his hot cum juice as well.

  84. God is a very filthy cock sucking pig that eats lumps of shit everyday as well.

    1. Why do you feel the need to insult shit eating pigs by comparing them to God?

  85. I hate God. He watched me fail and destroy everything I loved. I hope to have a better life without him. I hate myself and I hope to get the fuck out of this God fucked devil fucked existence.

    1. For his pleasure, God punishes good and rewards evil.

  86. God ate Jesus Christ asshole out, sucked his cock and swallowed his hot cum as well.

  87. Fuck you God, you cum eating diseased infested piece of shit.

  88. Satan fucked God and Jesus up the ass already, and made them suck on his cock and swallow his load too.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.