Monday, April 20, 2015

Hitler Was a Christian... A Godly Christian

Christians are in denial when it comes to Adolf Hitler. The man they love to hate, Adolf Hitler was a hard core Christian in the most true sense of the word. Hitler had a lot of Christian admirers including Pope Pius.

See what I mean?


  1. God (if we imagine for a moment that he exists and the biblical account is true), created us with brains capable of seeing the end from the beginning when it comes to crossing a railroad track. We are smart enough to understand clearly that we should not cross the tracks in front of an oncoming train. We weren't given minds too feeble to keep us from having to stumble onto the track and learn by catastrophic disaster.

    What we were NOT created with was brains capable of seeing the end from the beginning with respect to what religious people call “sin,” sufficiently enough to make as wise a decision as not walking in front of a moving train.

    Whose fault is THAT???????

    1. If there were a just god and I were that just god I would take the Catholic view when is comes to sin and punishment. Catholics say that there are two types of sin. Venial and Mortal. Moral sins are what get you sent to hell and venial sins get you punished in purgatory.

      Who would I punish and how?

      Most Americans would say that the radical Muslims are the most evil force on earth and you know what? The are really fucking evil but the fact is many of them believe that they are doing what their ass raping god wants of them. If I were God they would be roasting in purgatory for their stupidity. More evil than ISIS or the Taliban are people like the Koch brothers and the American medical industry corporate gangsters would be sent directly to hell and I would supervise their torture for all eternity.

    2. Educate yourself. I'm not defending Catholicism or anything, but what you said is fuckin' ridiculous.

    3. Evil is evil and it's all bullshit. The sad part it not enough people will wake up. We're just lambs for the slaughter surrounded McDonalds eating fox watching kardasian worshipping wal-mart shopping morons

    4. Sheeple lemmings! People need to think for themselves.

  2. what that comment meant was,,, our human brain is not having such foreseeing capacity that which of our karma/action (if you believe in law of karma) will become 'sin'...if we had that ability there will be less sins...

  3. Karma is BS. If it were real all the asshole fuck wad Republicans would be dead.

    1. yeah i know, all these concepts are MAN MADE, so tht to prove that his diety is all loving, full of justice. since a typical theist can never accept that god is cunt, unjust, asshole, racist.

    2. well religious people always give delusional answers, one of them i always heard is that they must have done some terrible karma in his past life. but that doesn't makes any sense, as what kind of just god will destroy some innocent children's this life, because he did something bad in previous one. if he did bad in previous one then he deserved punishment in his previous life, but now he is good/innocent in this life, so why the need to destroy this life?

  4. Hitler wasn't just not Christian, he was almost obsessed with the occult. Not that Levay or Crowley rapist child-molesting bullshit that they made up, but actually finding ancient artifacts, alchemy, trying summoning different spirits for different occasions, spells, curses and mind-control.

    He just knew what to say, don't get me wrong though Hitler was strategic and more intelligent than he gets credit for. Read Mein Kampf and you can see he was genius in his own way and he accomplished, military wise, what only Ghengis Khan and Alexander the Great were able to in recorded history. But he was by NO means a nice guy or God fearing christian

    1. And neither am I, I don't choose a set of beliefs that some guy wrote and has been rewritten a thousand times since. I don't sit in a building once a week and tithe to some bullshit-artist asshole so I can pretend I'm better than people. I'd rather be an honest sinner than a lying hypocrite. If I had to say "I worship" anything it would be Truth. All these naive clueless satanist dipshits make me sick too

    2. Hitler had brilliant military people around him, some of whom tried to kill him. Who really knows what was in his warped mind? He strongly professed his Christian faith. Maybe he was a hypocrite but so are most Christians.

      There are two basic types of Christians. There are the Sermon on The Mount types which are rare and then there are the arrogant "I'm saved and your not" types.

    3. Sounds like someone is an ignorant bigot!

    4. Sounds to me Tiffany you need to get terminal cancer you filthy slut for God.

  5. Hitler and his nazis was Christians and christians are the childs of god.

  6. Atheists are morons who can't understand the bible because they lust after sin and wickedness and humanism. No wonder America's going to die.....and very soon

    1. Spoken like a one of God's cowardly dick suckers. I've forgotten more about the BuyBull than you and your inbred fuck wads will ever know. If you would like to debate scripture asshole, BRING IT ON!


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.