Monday, May 28, 2018

Doctors Play God

You are in a room with Stalin, Hitler and a doctor. You have a gun but only two bullets. Who do you shoot? Answer: Shoot the doctor twice!

Doctors think that the letters MD mean Me Deity and like God doctors don't want to cure disease. The currency for doctors is money and for God it is the pleasure he derives from human suffering.

See the source image


  1. Even if God doesn't exist then the universe as a whole is evil.

    1. Maybe some sections of the universe are evil.

  2. MDs are pieces of human excrement who are in dire need of an "Overdose", of their own medicine! They knowingly chemically injure 900,000 new paying customers each year with the prescribing of Benzodiazepines! After going through years of Klonopin W/D because am evil sadistic DR prescribed me a benzo without any informed consent I have come to two absolute TRUTHs in life! God is a sadistic fuck who derives great pleasure watching others suffer. The goal is to inflict as much pain and suffering as humanly possible without actually killing the person. God needs a steady supply of food and constantly "Feeds", on the sick like some blood thirsty reptilian in another dimension! And last but not least DRs are serial killers who love to kill legally with their pen! Yup all they need to do is write you an RX after diagnosing with you some pseudo science illness and in time you might likely die a long torturous death! You will shortly there after go from "God please help me", to "God Fuck You"(-:

    1. The medical industry in America is full of someone else to evil people anyone can imagine. Every corporate gangster in the world needs to be thrown in a cage and roasted flamethrower.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.