Thursday, June 20, 2019

Religion Causes War

Religion is the cause of many wars or more accurately, religious people are the cause of most wars. One of the biggest religious was included the genocide to 80 million Hindus by Islamists in the name of Allah. Mughal India ~ The Biggest Holocaust in World History ... Is anyone surprised? It gets worse.

See the source image

As you may know, the Muslim god, the Jewish god and the Christian god is the same vile god. He's probably pissed now because Christians are no longer killing Jews. Hitler, a devout Christian ordered other Christians to kill 6 million Jews which was around 1/2 of the Jewish population at the time. The population of Jews has yet to recover. They are now being targeted by Muslims for extermination. This is not surprising because the god of the Bible and the Koran is a homicidal maniac. What else would you expect from people who god worship a god who drowned nearly every living thing on earth and then killed his own son?

See the source image

Christards will lie and tell you that Hitler was an atheist. Hitler was a hard core Christian. They will go on to lie and say that Stalin was also an atheist.

Was Stalin Catholic?

Joseph Stalin was born into a prominent Catholic family in Gori, Georgia. His father was a priest and his mother was a devout Catholic. Stalin was educated by Capuchinpriests as a boy, and would later be accepted into Tiflis Seminary, a Jesuit institution.

The truth is, religion and war go hand in hand. God is evil and he loves it when human suffer so he creates war. The very first was was the war in heaven. God Is Hate: The War In Heaven

10 Biggest religious wars ever fought -


  1. Fuck you God and fuck you for worshiping him.

  2. The only way God can have an orgasm his by torturing people. He’s such a pathetic scumbag.

  3. Allah blows Mohamed.

    1. Allah and Jehovah are the same God. They are both evil.

  4. Any iteration of a benevolent God is false. Whatever name you want to give it. God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, El Shaddai. Or of you worship Satan, it's all the same...bullshit! That's about all...

    1. Same shit… different asshole.

  5. God is a killing machine.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.