Showing posts with label God created everything. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God created everything. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

God Created COVID-19


God says he created everything. God is pure evil so of course he created COVID-19. 

The country that spends the most time sucking God's cock is the US and the US has the most COVID-19 deaths and cases. God knows that the trash in the US and particularly in the Bible Belt will suck his dick extra hard when they get sick with COVID-19. God causes catastrophes because when he does people pay more attention to him. God has an insatiable ego. This is why he makes people sick and every so often he cures someone who is in curable so that his dick sucking sycophants will brag him up. 

Compared to other countries, the US has 25% of the COVID-19 cases and deaths. Of all the countries, the US is the one of most Christian and Christian countries have been hit the hardest. This is what happens when you worship a vile god who would kill every living thing on earth and later kill his own son. 

To prove my point here's some data. 

The US population is 332,262,090. The US has 29,940,131 COVID-19 cases and 516,403 deaths.

India's population is 1,138,790, 063. India has 11,046,432 cases and 156,742 COVID-19 deaths.

Japan's population is 126,224,164. Japan has 427,467 COVID-19 cases and 7,584 deaths.

China's population is 1,439,232,774. China has 89,864 cases and 4,636 COVID-19 deaths. 

If you look at all the data you will see that the more Christian a country is the more COVID-19 cases and deaths there are. God isn't wasting his time on countries that have few dick sucking Christians. 





Monday, February 17, 2014

The Common Cold

See the source image

You can thank God for the rhinovirus which is the cause of the common cold. God has allowed this nasty and sometimes deadly thing to exist for 1000's of years. Why would God allow this you may ask yourself. The answer is simple God is pure evil and as an evil and sadistic entity God gets his jollies when people suffer.

What can we do about this nasty thing God has unleashed upon us. Think about what decent parent would provide an environment for their children with things in it that would make them sick? The answer is GOD! We have to fight back and hate God out of existence. Kissing his ass doesn't work because God is such and egomainiac that his need for glorification is insatiable.

Perhaps there is a cure for the common cold and flu but the medical industry is run by corporate demigods who knowingly or unknowingly work in league with Jehovah. There may or may not be a preventative cure for the cold but either way God is not allowing it. Our suffering is God's pleasure. That's how evil work. When we suffer God has orgasms.

You may have landed here because you have the cold or the flu or perhaps you are here to learn the truth about this evil entity we call God. The Bible is a good source for reading about his evil nature and evil doings. If you read the Bible unfettered you will learn that God is not the benevolent being that the money grubbing churches portray him to be. God is indeed EVIL! Here is a short cut to all the cruel and evil things God did in Biblical time.

Here are some things that may ease you cold symptoms:

Vicks Nyquil or any generic will help you sleep at night and it helps with coughing and it a decongestant and antihistamine. You can buy the lower priced store brand as they are the same.

Chicken Soup: It really does act as a decongestant.

Steam can help clear your sinuses but more than that a house that maintains a humidity level of between 50% and 60% will prevent your sinus membranes from drying and crack due to lack of moisture. The health authorities won't tell you that  because the cold and the flu creates massive revenue for these evil agents of God. Humidify your house.

Stay out of stores during the Christmas/Cold and flu season as much as possible or wear a filter mask to prevent you from inadvertently inhaling the vapors of a sneeze from some hapless Christian who is out preparing for the loathsome holiday called Christmas.

Zinc has been shown to shorten the severity and duration of the cold.

I hope some of this helps because when people are not suffering God suffers. Maybe if he suffers enough he will either turn from his evil ways or he will die! I doubt that a coward like God would choose death but for the sake of mankind, his death is imperative.