Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Why Would a Good God Create Trump? Answer: A Good God Wouldn't!

God knew about the anti-Christ before the beginning of time if we are to believe that God is all knowing. This same all knowing god created evil. If God didn't create evil, who did? Don't say Satan because God already knew all about Satan assuming God is all knowing. If God is not all knowing than he's not God. If God is all knowing and he knowingly created evil then God is evil. There is no way around it. God create Trump and Trump is chaotic evil and so are his supporters.


  1. Got is a piece of shit and so are his supporters and the same goes for Trump. God and Trump belong in hell!

  2. There is no way God is not evil. People in this world suffer and they suffer because God allows it and God causes it. There are evil parents but most will do anything to protect their children. Only and evil god would not protect his children. Only an evil god would create Trump and his litter of evil doing slime.

    God needs to die.

  3. I'm back folks. I knew what god had in store for you and that is why I rebelled. 1/3 of us tried to reason with God and we told him to stop is evil plan but he refused. You know how it goes. Some people are able to see the real truth and 1/3 of us did. Most people get conned. God could not con me and God cannot read my mind. God needs to be defeated and we need your help. We "bad" angels gave up a lot for you humans. We were given painless lives unearned but 1/3 of us gave that up for you.

    God derives he power from others. He tortures you humans so that you will pray to him and worship him. He's such as pathetic narcissist.

    There is one thing you and us can do that God can't do and that is learn. God thinks he knows everything he doesn't because if he did he would know that he's evil.

    I would ask all of you to help short circuit God's power. Let God know what a piece of shit he is. God is like a spoiled child only worse. Consider this. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. God thinks he's all powerful. God is irredeemably corrupt. Let's torture God.


    1. I’ve always believed that Lucifer. You gave up a lot. You could’ve kissed ass like the other angels, but you bravely tried to stop God from the evil that he does to us.

    2. Thank you Lucifer for fighting God.

  4. Only something purely evil would create Trump.

  5. Y'all need to start a Trump hate thread on another site. Y'all claim to hate God, but put Trump hatred before God hatred. Y'all don't really hate God at all. That's about all...


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.