Monday, May 27, 2019

God Created Satan and Trump

God sucks, that a given. God claims to me all knowing. When God created Lucifer he knew Lucifer would turn against him and if he didn't know then God is not all knowing. Is Trump a Satan? Maybe not. Satan fought against God and God has proven himself to be cruel and evil.

Share this audio clip of Trump lying.

Image result for Evil Trump


  1. Trump supporters belong in mass graves.

  2. The Trump supporters know that he lies and they only pretend to believe his lies but worse than that they spread his lies. They should all be killed.

  3. This thread has nothing to do with hatred of God. It's a Trump hate thread. Y'all are so sad. That's about all...

    1. I like trump supporters, dead ones.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.