Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Evil Of Trump Supporters


  1. The evil scum that are Trump supporters have been around for a very long time. Trump didn’t create them he just recognize their evil and depravity and organized it.

    Trump supporters are not victims of brainwashing like some people would like to believe. They are pure unadulterated evil and more of them who die by whatever means the better the world will be. COVID-19 has purged a lot of these bastards but they were still far too many stinking up the world.

    When you encounter one of these evil bastards, don’t try to reason with them. The best thing to do with Trump supporters is to ridicule them or punish them anyway you can.

    1. I am a Trump supporter and a hater of "God". What Donald Trump has to do about God sucking ass, I don't know. God sucked long before Donald Trump came along and will suck long after Donald Trump is gone. If covid is your big issue with God, your hate is much better being directed at Dr. Fraudci. That's about all...

  2. There should be a bounty on Trump supporters.

  3. The only way to get rid of evil is to destroy it.

  4. Trump supporters are more evil than Donald Trump.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.