Friday, December 4, 2020

COVID-19 Backfired on God

God claims to have created everything so it would follow that God created the coronavirus. In early Spring of 2020 COVID-19 went wild in Europe and down state NY. Eventually, medical people got a handle on this scourage.

God creates a lot of evil people and Trump was one of them and so are his supporters. After the moral Northeast got the virus under control the Red state, states that are infested by Bible thumpers, COVID-19 is now killing those fuckers at a rate of 2000+ MAGAts per day and the Thanksgiving surge still hasn't reached its peak. The Christmas COVID-19 may make the Thanksgiving surge look like a small blip on the RADAR. God's ass kissers are the ones dying and God is confused but that's no big deal for God. To God, living things are disposable. God also gets his insatiable ego stroked as people beg for their lives and when and if doctors save them those assholes will give God all the credit even though it was God's virus that infected them.


Last updated: December 05, 2020, 01:41 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases: 14,772,535

Deaths: 285,550


  1. God is so consumed with his own evil very often his actions are very chaotic and he ends up making himself look like a complete total fucking asshole because he is a complete total fucking asshole. The people kiss his ass the most are the ones being killed by Covid.

  2. 1,094,000 Americans have died of Covid. The good news is 70% of them are Republicans. Republicans are filthy scum and deserve to be killed.

  3. 1,094,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 as of today. Most of them are Republicans and that is a good thing. The Republicans are scum.

  4. Currently there are 1,094,000 Covid deaths and the good news is most of them are Republicans. I love it when filthy cocksuckers die

    1. It’s now over 1,100,000 Covid deaths in the United States. The good news is most of the people who died from Covid are cocksucking Republicans. That’s very good news.

  5. Fuck God with a broken bottle!


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.