Saturday, December 5, 2020

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season: The War On Christmas

Since cowards like Trump won't fight in real wars, the created the fake war on Christmas.


  1. Jesus may very well be the reason for the season but Jesus never actually existed. There were many myths that pre-date the Jesus of Nazareth myth. God is completely and entirely evil. Many of his followers are very evil themselves.

    The turn the other cheek Jesus teaches us to be saps. The great is your reward in heaven Jesus also teaches us to be saps. God has major orgasms when he sees us being tormented by the evil people he created. This is why you should never turn the other cheek to someone who is a punk, a liar and a bully. You should shut that person down and get your own justice. Punks stop being punks, liars stop being liars and bullies stop being bullies after they’ve gotten the shit beat out of them or after they’ve been beaten to death.

  2. Republicans deserve cancer

  3. God hates us everyone.


Unlike Christian and Muslims I don't censor so say whatever you want. Please include your thoughts on ways to destroy God and religion.